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2.3 Significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative)

Summary of outcome indicators and measures that recorded a significant change in result from the previous quarter.

CFA: Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers)

CFA recorded a positive change, with 45 workplace injuries reported against the quarterly baseline of 71.4.

This is an improvement on the Q3 result of 72 workplace injuries against a quarterly baseline of 99 (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers)

  • Download 'Figure 5: Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers)'

FRV: Total operational fleet availability

FRV did not meet its target of 85 per cent fleet availability this quarter.

FRV recorded a result of 84 per cent fleet availability for metro-only appliances this quarter. This is 1 per cent short of FRV's target and 6 per cent lower than the Q3 result of 90.3 per cent. FSIM further notes that the overall annual result for this measure is 87 per cent for 2023-24.

As FSIM has previously reported, protected industrial action taken by some CFA staff meant that FRV could not access fleet availability data in the regions for formal reporting. CFA advise that weekly reporting of FRV fleet availability in the regions recommenced when in-principle agreement was reached in March 2024 and the industrial action ended. However, FRV advise that they could not process fleet availability data in the regions for formal reporting in Q4. FRV have therefore reported data availability for metro-only appliances for the entire 2023-24 reporting period, including for Q4, and advise that 2023-24 fleet availability data cannot be compared to 2022-23 data.

CFA and FRV advise that this industrial action did not impact on appliance-related emergency response or related activities.

Figure 6: Total operational fleet availability

  • Download 'Figure 6: Total operational fleet availability'
