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The Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal provides transparent, accountable and evidence-based decision-making in relation to the remuneration of Members of the Parliament of Victoria (MPs), public sector executives and elected local government officials.

The Tribunal is established under the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 (Vic) (VIRTIPS Act).

The Tribunal made its first Determination of MP salaries and allowances in 2019 — the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2019 (2019 Determination) [Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal (2019)]. In each of 2020, 2021 and 2022, the Tribunal made Determinations providing for an annual adjustment to the values of the salaries and allowances set in the 2019 Determination [Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal (2020); Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal (2021a); Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal (2022a)].

Every four years, the Tribunal is required to make a new Determination setting the value of salaries and allowances for MPs. This Determination is due by 20 June 2023, that is, within six months after the first sitting of the 60th Parliament (2023 Determination). The Tribunal’s 2023 Determination will supersede the Tribunal’s earlier Determinations and comprehensively review the following MP salaries and allowances, including the value of them:

  • basic salary
  • additional salaries for specified parliamentary office holders
  • expense allowance
  • electorate allowance
  • parliamentary accommodation sitting allowance (PASA)
  • travel allowance
  • motor vehicle allowance
  • commercial transport allowance
  • international travel allowance
  • Electorate Office and Communications Budget (EO&C Budget).

The Tribunal aims to ensure fair and reasonable recompense for MPs, helping to attract and retain talented MPs that effectively represent the interests of the community. The Tribunal does not assess the performance of any individual MP or group of MPs when making its Determinations.

To promote transparency and accountability, the Tribunal’s Determinations, along with detailed Statements of Reasons, are published on its website.

In December 2022, along with this consultation paper, the Tribunal published on its website notice of its intention to make the 2023 Determination.

The Tribunal will also consider whether changes are required to the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Guidelines No. 1/2022, which set criteria for the use of particular allowances and the EO&C Budget.

This consultation paper briefly outlines a number of the issues that the Tribunal will consider in making its 2023 Determination. The paper:

  • sets out the salaries, allowances and resources provided to MPs that are within the scope of the 2023 Determination
  • invites interested persons or bodies to make a submission to the Tribunal on these or other relevant matters
  • includes specific questions the Tribunal would particularly like addressed in submissions.
