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Recruit Smarter

A project to develop inclusive recruitment practices and address unconscious bias in recruitment.

Research from all over the world tells us that diversity is good for the workforce, the economy and the community.

We decided to investigate how we could make recruitment processes fairer in Victoria.

We ran Recruit Smarter over 2 years around 3 priorities:

  • trialling new approaches
  • designing best practice
  • sharing knowledge

46 partners worked with researchers to design the program:

  • real-world trials of innovative approaches to address unconscious bias
  • developing best practice for recruitment that is inclusive and gives everyone a fair go
  • seminars to raise awareness of the importance and value of workforce diversity and inclusion

You can see a list of all our partners below.

Read the reports

Recruit Smarter - Report of Findings
PDF 9.06 MB
(opens in a new window)
Recruit Smarter - Technical Report
PDF 2.37 MB
(opens in a new window)

partners list
