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How to enrol

Learn more about the Early Learning Victoria enrolment and application process.

The enrolment process

  • Download 'The enrolment process'

Apply by Thursday, October 31 to be considered for the first round of enrolment offers in mid-November.

The first step to enrolling at an Early Learning Victoria centre is to complete an enrolment application form.

  • Enrolment waitlist application form: Families will need to complete an enrolment waitlist application form to be considered for enrolment.
  • Waitlist: If demand exceeds places for certain days and/or rooms, families will be waitlisted for the days they want.
  • Fees: There is no fee to apply for enrolment or to be waitlisted.

After your enrolment waitlist application form is submitted, Early Learning Victoria will review it. If you are successful, your child will be offered a place at the centre.

Step 1: Submit waitlist application

You must complete an enrolment waitlist application form so your child can be considered for a place at an Early Learning Victoria centre.

Apply to enrol

This will allow the centre to consider whether there is a place available for your child.

Information required

Families will need to provide basic details about their child and family, including name, date of birth, address, days of care required, and start date.

Information to determine priority of access criteria is required, such as whether the child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, a refugee or asylum seeker, in out-of-home care, has a disability, or has a sibling at the centre. This information is necessary to review and prioritise the application according to our policy.

Step 2: Assessment and offer

Once your application is received, Early Learning Victoria will review it. This includes considering:

Enrolment offers

If your application is successful, you will receive an offer to enrol your child.


If your application is not immediately successful, your child will remain on the waitlist.

Step 3: Complete the enrolment process

Accepting an enrolment

If a family is offered a place and wishes to accept it, they must provide further information. This information will be essential for the child to start attending the centre. This may include:

  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS) information (after registering with Centrelink) - name, date of birth and Customer Reference Number (CRN) of parent or carer registered for CCS
  • child details for CCS
  • bank details for direct debit payments
  • consent for direct debit payment of fees
  • medical and allergy information
  • immunisation history*
  • other information as applicable, such as cultural requirements, dietary requirements, languages, court orders.

Confirmation of enrolment

Once you have completed this step, you will receive confirmation that your child is now fully enrolled. Your child must be fully enrolled before they can start attending the centre.

* The Government’s No Jab No Play laws require all children to be age-appropriately immunised before enrolment can be confirmed. Offers of enrolment at all ELV centres will be subject to families providing evidence of immunisation status or medical exemption.
