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Provide feedback on the Stolen Generations Reparations Package

Information on how to provide feedback or make a complaint as a member of the Stolen Generations.

We welcome feedback about our services and staff and will respond fairly in a timely manner.

We are committed to providing service excellence by being:

  • responsive
  • accessible
  • impartial
  • consistent
  • professional, and
  • efficient.

Complaints about services or a staff member

You may wish to make a complaint if you are not satisfied with:

  • the quality of an action taken or service provided, or
  • the conduct of a staff member.

Where possible, raise the problem first with a member of staff by phone on 1800 566 071 or email

We may be able to resolve the issue quickly and effectively at this stage.

If you do not feel comfortable talking to that person or they are unable to resolve your concern, you can send us a written complaint by email or post.

Complaints about the Independent Assessment Panel

The Independent Assessment Panel (Panel) determines the eligibility of applicants for the Package.

You can send a complaint about the conduct of the Panel or a Panel member to us by email at or via post.

The Manager of Assessment & Research at the Stolen Generations Reparations Unit will respond to your complaint.

Complaints about a Panel decision (your application outcome)

The Panel is not able to change a decision about your eligibility for the Package in response to a complaint. If you are not satisfied with a Panel decision and think that you are eligible for the Package, you can submit a Request for Review form

What to include in your complaint

When you are making a complaint, please provide:

  • the details of the complaint
  • what action and/or solution you are seeking, and
  • your contact details if you would like a response.

How we will respond to your complaint

If you submit a written complaint, the manager of the relevant staff member or business area will contact you within five business days.

They will investigate your complaint, which may include:

  • contacting you to discuss your complaint
  • reviewing your file
  • discussing the matter with the relevant staff member
  • discussing the matter with other members of staff

The manager will review your feedback and, if appropriate:

  • change our processes and procedures
  • provide an apology.

When we work with you, we will:

  • be respectful, approachable and considerate
  • address your complaint as quickly as possible
  • listen to you and actively work with you
  • take all reasonable steps to resolve your complaint
  • protect your privacy
  • consider what is fair
  • provide clear reasons for the outcome of your complaint.

When working with us we expect you to:

  • treat our staff with courtesy, consideration and respect - we do not allow any harm, abuse or threats directed at our staff
  • provide us with all relevant information
  • tell us if you need help to address your complaint, such as nominating a support person to speak to us on your behalf
  • cooperate with the staff member who is handling your complaint.

Anonymous complaints and feedback

If you do not provide your name or contact details with your complaint, this will be considered an anonymous complaint. We will respond if there is sufficient information.

Comments where no response or action is sought will be treated as feedback. You can provide feedback by contacting us by phone on 1800 566 071, email at or via post.

Feedback will not be treated as a complaint.

Ombudsman Victoria

If you are not happy with the way your complaint has been handled, you can contact Ombudsman Victoria. This office investigates complaints made against government departments.

Ombudsman Victoria
Level 1, 459 Collins Street (North Tower)
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: 03 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (toll free)


Your privacy

We are bound by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), which protects your privacy in relation to the collection, use, management and disclosure of your personal information.

When gathering information to respond to a complaint, we will only:

  • use it to investigate and respond to your complaint
  • use it to address systemic issues arising from the complaint
  • use it if you refer your complaint to the Ombudsman - we may need to disclose information to the Ombudsman’s Office
  • report on de-identified complaint data internally and, if requested, to the Attorney-General.

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Feedback and complaints - Stolen Generations Reparations Package
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