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Progress of Action 4.2

Action 4.2: Establish capability standards to support the secondment arrangements, the firefighters register, application processes and transparent appeals processes.

Action objective: FRB provides for and maintains a transparent and fit for purpose registration of FRV staff suitable for secondment to CFA.

Lead agency: FRB

Year Two to Five Plan (November 2021) completion dateYear Two to Five Plan (updated May 2023) completion dateAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023
June 2023December 2024Not commenced


This action requires FRB, once in place, to establish capability standards to support the secondment arrangements, the firefighters register, application processes and transparent appeals processes, consistent with their functions outlined in s154 of the FRV Act 1958 and consistent with the Fire Rescue Victoria (Firefighters Registration Board) Regulations 2022.

Progress summary

This action had yet to commence as the FRB membership was not yet finalised. Progress on the establishment of the FRB is outlined in action 4.1.

When all roles in the FRB are confirmed, FSIM considers that effective engagement with CFA, FRV and other relevant emergency management and fire services authorities will be critical to successfully delivering this action. Key inputs for consideration by the FRB in establishing competency standards include Year Two to Five Plan deliverables relating to capability (specifically, actions 5.1 and 5.4). FSIM considers action 4.2 will support FRV in meeting its legislative requirements under s7(1)(bb) of the FRV Act to provide operational and management support to CFA, including support to maintain, strengthen and encourage the capability of volunteers. It will also support FRV in meeting its obligations under the Secondment Agreement to provide CFA with operational and management support, including administrative, training, community safety and fire safety support.


Action 4.2 has not yet commenced.
