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Australian Training Awards

The peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training (VET).

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training (VET). The Australian Training Awards recognise and celebrate excellence and are an important mechanism for promoting the benefits of vocational education and training.

Winners from each state and territory training awards compete for a national award title.

This has led to Australia-wide awareness and respect for skill-based careers and skills excellence.

Caitlin Cook

2022 Vocational Student of the Year

Caitlin, a young stay-at-home mum of 5, always wanted to be a nurse, but never believed she could achieve her dream.

After joining the Young Parents VCAL program at South West TAFE, Caitlin applied for the Diploma of Nursing. Caitlin loved her time studying, but had to overcome personal tragedy. Nevertheless, Caitlin was determined to create a successful career and positive future.

Now Caitlin works as an endorsed enrolled nurse and is embarking on a Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery at Deakin University.

Caitlin said she changed so much that she hardly recognises the person who started the course 2 years ago.

Kevin Nunn

2020 VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year

When TAFE Gippsland began forming the timber training unit for industry jobs, emergency responders and firefighters, Kevin jumped at the opportunity to contribute his experience and become a trainer.

It took him 2 years to build the unit, which was recognised by industry and the Australian Timber Trainers Association as a provider that educated people beyond industry standards.

Kevin’s the go-to person when it comes to adapting training to keep it engaging and applicable to real world scenarios.

The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) came to Kevin to implement specific changes to needed coursework for chainsaw operators working in close proximity to heavy machinery.

His crucial work has helped make TAFE Gippsland a leading provider for forestry management and timber training.

M.C. Herd Pty Ltd

2022 Large Employer of the Year

M.C. Herd, established in 1951, is a 3rd-generation Australian family business. Starting as a small council abattoir providing services to the Geelong and district areas, it has evolved into a large export abattoir employing over 300 local staff to process beef and lamb for world markets.

Training for skills development is linked to employee training plans developed between an employee and their supervisor. M.C. Herd is committed to providing opportunities for everyone – matching roles to the strengths of an individual.

Ask a team member how long they’ve worked at M.C. Herd, and the reply will likely be between 10 to 50 years.
