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The Victorian Mentally Healthy Workplaces Framework

The Framework has been created to reflect best practice and guide Victorian workplaces to be mentally healthy.

Mentally healthy workplaces:

  • Promote wellbeing and positive aspects of work,
  • Identify and manage risks to create a fair and safe workplace (please see WorkSafe Victoria(opens in a new window) for additional guidance).
  • Respond early to warning signs, with effective tools, skills and commitment.
Three white circles, with blue rings interconnecting them and icons inside representing 'Protect, Promote, Respond'

Our workplaces have a big role to play towards our wellbeing. In 2021-2022 in Victoria, more than 4000 claims received by WorkSafe Victoria were for mental injuries.

We need to support industries, workplaces, leaders, supervisors, managers and workers to promote, protect and respond to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

In February 2021, the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (RCVMHS) handed down its Final Report outlining key recommendations to the Victorian Government. This Victorian Mentally Healthy Workplaces Framework (‘the Framework’) has been developed in response to the Victorian Government committing to implementing all recommendations of the Royal Commission, part of which involves delivering a state-wide framework to support mentally healthy workplaces.

Work is underway to support mentally healthy workplaces in Victoria. This includes changes to Occupational Health and Safety regulations to better address risks to the psychological health of workers. WorkSafe Victoria provides workplaces with tools, templates, and resources to address work-related factors that impact mental health and promote good practice.

Illustration of tram with grey skyline in background

The Victorian Mentally Healthy Workplaces Framework

The Framework on a page

  • Download

The Framework complements existing resources developed by WorkSafe Victoria, the National Workplace Initiative and Business Victoria to help support Victorian workplaces implement good practices. It includes:

  • 3 foundational features‘promote’, ‘protect’, and ‘respond’
  • 6 areas of focusto drive and enable mentally healthy workplaces
  • 5 starting actionswith clear, effective, and practical steps for organisations to take
  • 6 best practice waysto guide how to implement the Framework in each workplace
