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A message from the Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Skills Authority

Nominations for the Victorian Training Awards are now open. The awards celebrate excellence in skills in Victoria. Because skills matter.

Nominations for the Victorian Training Awards are now open.

The awards celebrate excellence in skills in Victoria.

Because skills matter.

Advanced skills aimed at excellence in execution is a key to our future.

Victoria has bold ambitions for new industry to fuel economic growth and generate good jobs.

Renewable energy, re-use of emissions and materials and revisioning of industries through automation are just some of the drivers for skills.

New skills are in demand for new forms of health and care services and digital aptitude and skills are central to success in a growing array of jobs.

In all this, it is the knowledge and skills of the individual empowered to exercise them that generates dynamic businesses and grows industries and communities.

That’s why the awards celebrate students and apprentices and teachers who bring skills to life. The role played by employers in facilitating skills is also recognised through these awards, as well as the critical role of high-quality vocational education institutions.

Whether you are a student, teacher, employer or training provider, winning a Victorian Training Award can provide a boost to your career or the reputation of your organisation.

The effort involved is worth it. You get to reflect on your successes, engage and learn from others and winners in most categories proceed to the National Training Awards as the chance to be recognised as the best in Australia!

I encourage you to nominate for the 2023 Victorian Training Awards.

Best wishes.

Craig Robertson
Chief Executive Officer
Victorian Skills Authority
