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28 Feb 2023

A message from the Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Skills Authority

Nominations for the Victorian Training Awards are now open. The awards celebrate excellence in skills in Victoria. Because skills matter.

Nominations for the Victorian Training Awards are now open.

The awards celebrate excellence in skills in Victoria.

Because skills matter.

Advanced skills aimed at excellence in execution is a key to our future.

Victoria has bold ambitions for new industry to fuel economic growth and generate good jobs.

Renewable energy, re-use of emissions and materials and revisioning of industries through automation are just some of the drivers for skills.

New skills are in demand for new forms of health and care services and digital aptitude and skills are central to success in a growing array of jobs.

In all this, it is the knowledge and skills of the individual empowered to exercise them that generates dynamic businesses and grows industries and communities.

That’s why the awards celebrate students and apprentices and teachers who bring skills to life. The role played by employers in facilitating skills is also recognised through these awards, as well as the critical role of high-quality vocational education institutions.

Whether you are a student, teacher, employer or training provider, winning a Victorian Training Award can provide a boost to your career or the reputation of your organisation.

The effort involved is worth it. You get to reflect on your successes, engage and learn from others and winners in most categories proceed to the National Training Awards as the chance to be recognised as the best in Australia!

I encourage you to nominate for the 2023 Victorian Training Awards.

Best wishes.

Craig Robertson
Chief Executive Officer
Victorian Skills Authority

A message from the Chief Executive Officer, Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery

Victoria’s network of 12 TAFEs and 4 dual- sector universities is focused on giving students opportunities to build skills for the jobs and industries of the future.

These are the skills we need for a society and economy that is sustainable, productive and inclusive. The Victorian Training Awards celebrate excellence in the students learning these skills, and the organisations supporting them.

VTA nominations and winners are always of outstanding achievement, with many from across the Victorian TAFE network. This is testament to the quality of our network and its important role in our training system.

As nominations open for the 2023 awards, I look forward to again recognising excellence across the whole VET sector.

Dr Xavier Csar

Chief Executive Officer
Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery

About the Victorian Training Awards

The state’s most prestigious accolade for the vocational education and training sector.

The Victorian Training Awards (VTAs) are the state’s most prestigious accolade for the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

The awards celebrate individuals, employers and training providers, not only for their outstanding achievements in training, but also for the ways their training has benefited them and their communities in other parts of their lives.

There are 14 general award categories, People’s Choice awards, and a special individual award – the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement.

2023 marks the 69th year the Victorian Training Awards have honoured the best of the best in the state’s vocational education and training sector. Every year the awards offer the opportunity for nominees to reflect on their achievements. Some nominees will be shortlisted for interviews and some will be named as finalists, before one winner is crowned in each award category.

This year, we look forward to building further connections between apprentices, trainees, students, teachers, training providers, employers and industry representatives, sharing in a high-quality training system that meets the needs of all Victorians.

The following nomination guide provides information on each of the award categories, including eligibility requirements and information on how to apply. The Victorian Training Awards offers a free writing assistance program to assist with your nomination – so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and make your nomination stand out.

Why nominate?

Victorian Training Award winners are recognised as the best in the state in their category.

There are so many benefits to nominating for the awards – whether for your career or in your personal life. Not only is it a great opportunity to reflect on your achievements and development on your journey through training, the VTA’s also provide:

  • opportunities for you to network with industry leaders and peers who are on similar journeys through training
  • career opportunities
  • advanced career progression
  • cash prizes and other prizes such as MacBook laptops
  • enhanced reputation and industry profile for employer and training provider finalists and winners.

You will also have the opportunity to become part of the Victorian Training Awards Ambassador Program, which will further promote and highlight the stories of previous VTA winners and finalists and provide further media, speaking and networking opportunities.

Winners in categories aligned with the Australian Training Awards have the opportunity to attract national recognition by representing Victoria at the national awards, the Australian Training Awards, in November 2023, if selected.

Australian Training Awards

The peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training (VET).

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training (VET). The Australian Training Awards recognise and celebrate excellence and are an important mechanism for promoting the benefits of vocational education and training.

Winners from each state and territory training awards compete for a national award title.

This has led to Australia-wide awareness and respect for skill-based careers and skills excellence.

Caitlin Cook

2022 Vocational Student of the Year

Caitlin, a young stay-at-home mum of 5, always wanted to be a nurse, but never believed she could achieve her dream.

After joining the Young Parents VCAL program at South West TAFE, Caitlin applied for the Diploma of Nursing. Caitlin loved her time studying, but had to overcome personal tragedy. Nevertheless, Caitlin was determined to create a successful career and positive future.

Now Caitlin works as an endorsed enrolled nurse and is embarking on a Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery at Deakin University.

Caitlin said she changed so much that she hardly recognises the person who started the course 2 years ago.

Kevin Nunn

2020 VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year

When TAFE Gippsland began forming the timber training unit for industry jobs, emergency responders and firefighters, Kevin jumped at the opportunity to contribute his experience and become a trainer.

It took him 2 years to build the unit, which was recognised by industry and the Australian Timber Trainers Association as a provider that educated people beyond industry standards.

Kevin’s the go-to person when it comes to adapting training to keep it engaging and applicable to real world scenarios.

The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) came to Kevin to implement specific changes to needed coursework for chainsaw operators working in close proximity to heavy machinery.

His crucial work has helped make TAFE Gippsland a leading provider for forestry management and timber training.

M.C. Herd Pty Ltd

2022 Large Employer of the Year

M.C. Herd, established in 1951, is a 3rd-generation Australian family business. Starting as a small council abattoir providing services to the Geelong and district areas, it has evolved into a large export abattoir employing over 300 local staff to process beef and lamb for world markets.

Training for skills development is linked to employee training plans developed between an employee and their supervisor. M.C. Herd is committed to providing opportunities for everyone – matching roles to the strengths of an individual.

Ask a team member how long they’ve worked at M.C. Herd, and the reply will likely be between 10 to 50 years.

2023 Award categories

The 2023 award categories include individual categories, business categories, training provider categories and more.

Individual categories

  • Apprentice of the Year
  • Trainee of the Year
  • Vocational Student of the Year
  • School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
  • Koorie Student of the Year
  • Teacher or Trainer of the Year

Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement

The Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement is presented in recognition of an individual’s outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and training sector for 15 years or more.

Business categories

  • Small Employer of the Year Award
  • Large Employer of the Year Award
  • Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development
  • Industry Collaboration Award

Training Provider categories

  • Community Training Provider of the Year
  • Inclusive Training Provider of the Year
  • Small Training Provider of the Year
  • Large Training Provider of the Year

People’s Choice Awards

The People’s Choice Awards are open to finalists from individual sponsored categories and are decided in the lead up to the gala ceremony by online public voting.

Key dates and prize money

Key dates – nominations and judging

Wednesday 24 May (11:59 pm)Writing assistance closes
Sunday 28 May (11:59 pm)Nominations close.
Monday 29 May–Monday 5 June Eligibility evaluation
Monday 5 June–Thursday 22 JuneShortlisting of eligible nominations
Thursday 22 JuneFinalists and unsuccessful nominees notified
Tuesday 27 June–Friday 30 JuneFinalist interviews [VIRTUAL]
JulyFinalists announced

Key event dates – Victorian Training Awards and Australian Training Awards

Friday 18 AugustWelcome Reception for finalists – presented with finalist certificates
Friday 18 AugustVictorian Training Awards gala

Profesional development workshops for individual winners prior to the Australian Training Awards (2 days)

Australian Training Awards finalist week

Australian Training Awards gala

Category award winners will receive $5,000 in prize money and a 2023 Victorian Training Awards trophy*.

Winners of the People’s Choice Awards will receive an Apple MacBook laptop valuled at more than $2,000.

*The recipient of the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement will not receive a monetary prize but will only receive a 2023 Victorian Training Awards trophy.

Key contacts

1800 290 657

How to nominate

It’s easy to nominate for the Victorian Training Awards. Just follow these simple steps.

To nominate for the Victorian Training Awards:

  1. Read the Conditions of Entry and look through the various award categories.
  2. Check that you meet the eligibility requirements for the Award that is most relevant to you.
  3. Make sure you are able to address the selection criteria for your chosen award.
  4. Register on the nomination portal. Select the award you are nominating for and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements.
  5. Build your application and Save as you go.
  6. Gather the supporting evidence. See details on supporting evidence requirements.
  7. Request a free review of your draft application by our nomination writer. See details on requesting a free review.
  8. Submit your application by the closing date, at 11.59 pm on Sunday 28 May.

Due to an earlier Gala event this year, there will be no extensions to nominations.

Nominations will close at 11.59pm on Sunday 28 May and this date is final.

Conditions of entry

Learn more about the conditions of entry for the 2023 Victorian Training Awards.

By entering the 2023 Victorian Training Awards, you agree to abide by the following conditions of entry.

All categories

  1. A nominee must not be nominated for any similar award in another state or territory in the same year.
  2. Prospective entrants must be able to meet all the eligibility requirements for the award category being nominated.
  3. All nominations must be submitted online via the Award Force portal at:
  4. Each award category has specific criteria. All applications must meet the criteria and be factually correct for the submission to be considered a valid entry. Non-compliance with entry requirements will be sufficient reason for the Victorian Training Awards team to reject the application.
  5. The closing date for all nominations is 11.59 pm on Sunday 28 May. Nominations will not be accepted after this date. The Victorian Skills Authority reserves the right to extend the deadline for nominations for any emerging circumstance.
  6. It is the responsibility of all nominees and nominators to ensure that they have selected the correct category.
  7. The Victorian Skills Authority reserves the right to re-assign nominations lodged to incorrect categories at its discretion.
  8. By applying, all nominees for the Victorian Training Awards agree that all or part of any non-confidential material or details from their nominations, photographs and recordings can and may be used online, in any broadcast and print media and in a range of publicity and promotional materials related to skills and training or the national training awards.
  9. All finalists will be required to attend an interview in Melbourne with the judging panel for their category.
  10. All finalists are required to attend the Victorian Training Awards’ related events and ceremony on Friday 18 August 2023.
  11. Finalists and winners of the Victorian Training Awards acknowledge that they may be required to participate in media interviews.
  12. Finalists and winners of the Victorian Training Awards may be required to participate in media interviews or speaking opportunities arranged by the Principal Partner or the major sponsors of their categories.

Individual categories

  1. Where an entrant is not self-nominated, they must agree to being nominated.
  2. Victorian Training Award individual winners will be required to represent the state as finalists at the Australian Training Awards in Tasmania in November 2023.
  3. All individual winners of the Victorian Training Awards will be required to attend a two-day professional development program to prepare for the Australian Training Awards. Further details for individual finalists attending the professional development program will be provided after the Victorian Training Awards.

Business and Training Provider categories

  1. All training initiatives, courses and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) referenced in nominations must either be registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for course delivery in Victoria.
  2. Registered Training Organisations in training provider categories must have their Head Office located in Victoria.
  3. To be considered for selection all Registered Training Organisations delivering courses must have Scope of Registration to deliver such courses in Victoria.
  4. Organisational winners of the Victorian Training Awards, in aligned categories, will be nominated to represent Victoria as finalists at the Australian Training Awards in Tasmania in November 2023.

Required supporting evidence

Learn more about the evidence you need to support your nomination.

Award categoryRequired supporting evidence
  • Apprentice
  • Trainee
  • Vocational Student
  • Koorie Student
  • Written reference from nominees' employer, host employer, teacher or trainer, or principal
  • Signed copy of the Employer or Training Provider Declaration by the nominees employer or training provider
  • Photo of nominee

Notes the Employer or Training Provider Declaration is an acknowledgement from the nominee's employer or training provider that they are aware of the nomination and approve of any time off for activities related to the Victorian Training Awards, for example, finalist interviews, gala ceremony, professional development workshop etcetera.

Award categoryRequired supporting evidence

School-based Apprentice or Trainee

(in addition to the above)

  • Signed copy of the School Declaration by the principal of the nominee's school

Notes the School Declaration is an acknowledgement from the principal of the nominee's school that they are aware of the nomination and approve of any absence for activities related to the Victorian Training Awards, for example, finalist interviews, gala ceremony, professional workshops etcetera.

Award categoryRequired supporting evidence
Teacher or Trainer
  • Evidence of qualification
  • Written reference from employer or host employer
  • Signed copy of the Employer or Training Provider Declaration by employer
  • Photo of nominee
Lynne Kosky Memorial Award
  • Up to 3 single A4 pages of relevant evidence
  • Photo of nominee
Business and Training Provider categories
  • Up to 5 relevant photographs showcasing the organisation or initiative
  • Signed copy of the Business Endorsement by the CEO or MD of the nominating organisation
  • Full-colour logo

Notes the Business Endorsement is an acknowledgement from the CEO or MD of the nominating organisation that they endorse the nomination submitted on behalf of the organisation.

Award categoryRequired supporting evidence
  • Small Training Provider
  • Large Training Provider

    (in addition to the above)

  • Evidence of the breakdown of enrolled student numbers as reported by RTOs in the most recent annual National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) data collection period

Optional supporting evidence

Award categoryRequired supporting evidence

All categories*

*excluding Lynne Kosky Memorial Award

Up to 10 single A4 pages of relevant evidence
Individual categories
  • Evidence of qualification or Statement of Attainment (if course completed)
  • Relevant evidence includes:
    • training and, or education certificates
    • video pitch (up to 90 seconds)
Business and Training Provider categories
  • Relevant evidence includes:
    • tables, graphs or figures
    • recognition or achievement awards

Free writing assistance

Free writing assistance is available to help you write the best possible nomination.

In previous years, judges have given feedback that many nominations had excellent content that demonstrated the achievements of nominees, but many could have benefited from clearer writing and greater focus on the selection criteria.

We have a professional writer on board to help you write the best possible nomination.

Once you have an initial draft of your nomination, with responses to each of the selection criteria, our writer can review your draft and give you some feedback on how you can refine your resonses.

It’s free and it’s easy – just send us an email.

In 2022, over 25% of the nominees that requested feedback were selected as finalists in their respective categories.

Writing tips

  • Use active voice, e.g. I did this, I achieved this.
  • Use topic sentences
    • I chose to study a Certificate III in Plumbing because I was motivated to find a career that challenged me while providing stability and the ability to own my own business.
    • I showed that I can be a passionate advocate for training when I volunteered to give a presentation on my course at an online forum that my training provider organised for people who were interested in starting this course next year.
  • Take advantage of your full word limits
  • Show evidence for what you write
    • Tell us the actions you took to achieve something and the results of your actions.
    • Show measurable outcomes with numbers and statistics.

Judging process

To determine the finalists and winners, all nominations will be evaluated and judged as follows.

Eligibility evaluation

Nominations are evaluated by the Victorian Training Awards team and the relevant regulatory bodies. The eligibility requirements and selection criteria will be used to assess and determine whether the nomination is eligible to go through to the shortlisting stage.

Selection of finalists

Shortlisting takes approximately two weeks from late May to early June 2023. Judging panels will score all nominations and determine which nominees go through to the interview stage as finalists.

Finalist interviews

Finalist interviews will take place virtually. The selection criteria will be used as the basis for questions that will be asked at interview.

Award winners determined

Once the interview process is complete, the judging panel will determine the award winner for each category. Winners will be announced at the Gala Event on Friday 18 August.

All nominees will be notified as to the outcome of their nomination and can request feedback for a period of 15 days after the date of notification.

Judging panel

Panel members are made up of representatives from government, industry, category sponsors and previous category award winners. All panel members have relevant experience and expertise to assess each category. Panels usually consist of four members and attention is taken to ensure a balance of genders and backgrounds make up the panel groups.

Panel Chair

A Panel Chair is appointed from the judging panel and is the only panel member able to provide feedback to finalists.

Scoring matrix

All judges will use the scoring matrix below when scoring each selection criterion.

Score Score weighting to be used for each selection criterion
1 Unsatisfactory – did not meet any of the selection criteria and lacked evidence to support nomination– did not meet any of the selection criteria and lacked evidence to support nomination
2 Satisfactory – met some of the selection criteria and provided evidence to support nomination
3 Good – met most of the selection criteria and provided evidence to support nomination to a good standard
4 Very good – met all the selection criteria and provided evidence at a very good standard
5 Exceeds expectations – met all the selection criteria and went above and beyond to provide strong evidence to a very high standard

Winner testimonials

Learn more about how winning a Victorian Training Award has changed lives and created opportunities.

Lucas Price

2021 Koorie Student of the Year

‘This award meant so much to not only me, but also my family and my community. It has helped me to inspire and motivate other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to invest in their educational pathway, creating many opportunities of growth and progression.’

Miranda Edwards

2014 Koorie Student of the Year

‘[Winning the award] … got me noticed and it’s a big part of my story which I share when I speak at conferences. I’ve done some big talks, including when I spoke in front of 1,000 people at the World Indigenous People’s Conference in Canada 2017 to talk about local indigenous curriculum for schools. The training I received as part of the award was a huge help in this regard.’

Bret Ryan

2012 Vocational Student of the Year

‘The Victorian Training Award was a pivotal moment for me. The CEO of the organisation where I worked was so proud when I won. He could see my potential and that opened up conversations with him and others. I became sought after, and could pick and choose what I did next.’

Chhunly Taing

2022 Apprentice of the Year

'I’ve learnt how to lead a team safely on a construction site … this course changed me. I used to be quite intimidated by the men I was working with, but now I stand up for myself … knowledge is power, and it reinforces your confidence.'

Sue Meli

2002 Vocational Student of the Year

‘The award is a key part of marketing my landscape and design business. Although I won the award in 2002, it might just as well have been yesterday. It continues to deliver clients to my door and is often the determining factor that leads them to choose my services over those of a competitor’s.’

Julie Kramer

2021 VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year

‘Winning the Victorian Training Award has been an unbelievable experience, it’s just amazing to be recognised for something I am extremely passionate about and love doing. It has given me confidence in my abilities and the inspiration to continue improving my teaching methods.’

Kerrilyn Bassett

2015 Trainee of the Year

‘Winning the award was the start of a really good journey. It boosted my confidence and opened up many opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Another bonus was that I became a representative for the industry – that was important because it provided the opportunity for a young female voice to be heard in an industry which traditionally has an older profile and tends to be male-dominated.’

Eligibility and selection criteria: Individual categories

Learn more about selection criteria for individual categories.

Apprentice of the Year

The Apprentice of the Year Award is presented to a Victorian apprentice who has displayed outstanding achievement in all aspects of their trade.

The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  1. Be a permanent resident of Australia
  2. Have completed or be due to complete your training course in the period 1 July 2022 – 31 December 2023
  3. Be registered in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for
  4. Have completed or be due to complete your training in the state of Victoria
  5. Have a contract of training registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
  6. Not be enrolled at school.

Apprentice of the Year Selection Criteria

Trainee of the Year

The Trainee of the Year Award is presented to a Victorian individual who is undertaking a traineeship and has been outstanding in all aspects of their training. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  1. Be a permanent resident of Australia
  2. Have completed or be due to complete your training course in the period 1 July 2022 – 31 December 2023
  3. Be registered in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for
  4. Have completed or be due to complete your training in the state of Victoria
  5. Have a contract of training registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
  6. Not be enrolled at school.

Trainee of the Year Selection Criteria

Vocational Student of the Year

The Vocational Student of the Year Award is presented to a student whose outstanding achievement in a course of study led to a nationally recognised qualification.

The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  • Be a permanent resident of Australia
  • Have completed or be due to complete your training course in the period 1 July 2022 – 31 December 2023
  • Be registered in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for
  • Have completed or be due to complete your training in the state of Victoria.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student (but not as an apprentice or trainee).

Vocational Student of the Year Selection Criteria

School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year

The School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year Award is presented to a student who is undertaking a Certificate II or above qualification as a part-time Victorian School-based Apprentice or Trainee. The award recognises the student’s commitment to their formal studies at school and in the workplace. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  1. Be a permanent resident of Australia
  2. Have completed or be due to complete your training in the state of Victoria
  3. Be undertaking or completing a Certificate II or above qualification, through a Victorian School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
  4. Have a contract of training registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
  5. Be enrolled at school.

School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year Selection Criteria

Koorie Student of the Year

The Koorie Student of the Year Award recognises the achievements of a Koorie student who demonstrates the relevance of lifelong learning for themselves and their community. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  1. Be a permanent resident of Australia
  2. Identify as Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
  3. Meet the eligibility requirements for any of the individual student categories:
    • Apprentice of the Year
    • Trainee of the Year
    • Vocational Student of the Year
    • School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year.

Koorie Student of the Year Selection Criteria

Teacher/Trainer of the Year

The Teacher/Trainer of the Year Award recognises innovation and excellence by a teacher/trainer providing nationally recognised training to students in the TAFE and training sector. The winner of this award will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  • Be a permanent resident of Australia
  • Have qualified (as determined by the Australian Qualifications Framework) as a teacher/trainer
  • Be employed (or regularly contracted) by a registered training provider
  • Have delivered training in Victoria (from 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023) which will lead/has led to nationally recognised qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework national training system.
  • All applicants must be endorsed by the RTO and evidence of the teacher/trainer’s qualification must be submitted with the application.

Teacher/Trainer of the Year Selection Criteria

Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetimme Achievement

The Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement is presented in recognition of an individual’s outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and training sector for more than 15 years. A contribution may be a new innovation, new knowledge, or ways to improve professional practice deemed to be above and beyond the everyday with a long-lasting impact within the sector.

This award has unique nomination procedures and eligibility:

  1. Individuals cannot self-nominate for this award category; nominations must be made on behalf of an individual.
  2. Nominees do not need to be currently employed to be eligible for this award.
  3. Once an individual has been nominated for the award, they become an enduring nominee and, if not successful initially, are eligible for consideration for this award in subsequent years.
  4. A posthumous nomination can be made for this award.


The nomination follows the eligibility set by the Australian Training Awards.

The nominated individual must:

  1. Have an established history of distinguished service to the TAFE and training sector (15 years or more, of sustained service)
  2. Have made a positive and lasting contribution to the TAFE and training sector
  3. Be recognised by other industry, training, education or employer groups; and have the respect of professional peers
  4. Be acknowledged as having reached a pinnacle of their profession or industry
  5. Have demonstrated, over an extended period of time, a contribution which has included either research, industry achievement, professional leadership and service to the TAFE and training sector
  6. Have demonstrated high-level personal integrity
  7. Have exhibited leadership and provided inspiration to others in the TAFE and training sector
  8. Have positively influenced the TAFE and training sector in Victoria
  9. Have made significant and fundamental contributions and be able to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to the TAFE and training sector.

Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement Selection Criteria

Eligibility and selection criteria: Business categories

Learn more about eligibility and selection criteria for business nominations.

Small Employer of the Year

The Small Employer of the Year Award celebrates small businesses that have achieved excellence in the provision of nationally recognised training for their employees.

The winner of this award will be nominated to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  • deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training for their employees that leads to formal qualifications or Statements of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • employ 99 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees

Note: Nominations will not be accepted from organisations whose core business is the delivery of vocational education and training (these organisations may consider nominating for either the Large or Small Training Provider of the Year Award).

Small Employer of the Year Selection Criteria

Large Employer of the Year

The Large Employer of the Year Award celebrates large businesses and enterprises that have achieved excellence in the provision of nationally recognised training to their employees.

The winner of this Award will be nominated to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  • Deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training for your employees that leads to formal qualifications or Statements of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • Employ 100 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees

Note: Nominations will not be accepted from organisations whose core business is the delivery of vocational education and training (these organisations may consider nominating for either the Large or Small Training Provider of the Year Award).

Large Employer of the Year Selection Criteria

Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development

The Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development recognises those employers who have made innovative improvements in training which provide beneficial outcomes for their apprentices and/or trainees in Victoria and to their local community.

This is a Victorian-only award and does not articulate to the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  1. Be an employer of Victorian apprentices or trainees at some time between 1 January 2021 and 5 June 2022
  2. Have a formalised contract of training of apprenticeship or traineeship

Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development Selection Criteria

Industry Collaboration Award

The Industry Collaboration Award recognises exemplary skills development collaborations between at least one employer/industry body and at least one organisation delivering nationally recognised vocational education and training.

The winner of this award will be nominated to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


You must:

  1. Have at least one party who is an industry organisation (e.g. employer, enterprise, group of enterprises, industry association, industry advisory body, trade union or professional association)
  2. Have at least one party who is delivering nationally recognised vocational education and training or directly contributing to the outcomes of nationally recognised vocational education and training which leads to formal qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
  3. Applications will not be accepted from organisations operating under contractual ‘partnership’ arrangements.

Applications will not be accepted from organisations operating under contractual ‘partnership’ arrangements.

Industry Collaboration Award Selection Criteria

Eligibility and selection criteria: Training provider categories

Learn more about nomination criteria for community training providers.

Community Training Provider of the Year

The Community Training Provider of the Year Award recognises innovation and excellence by an organisation involved in improving skills in the local community or workplace.

This is a Victorian-only award and does not articulate to the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  1. Deliver training in Victoria
  2. Have a history of timely compliance with contractual obligations and program requirements
  3. Be registered with the ACFE Board as a Learn Local organisation
  4. Have delivered ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited training in 2022

Community Training Provider of the Year Selection Criteria

Inclusive Training Provider of the Year

The Inclusive Training Provider of the Year Award recognises exceptional training providers within the Victorian government’s vocational education and training sector that have demonstrated outstanding improvements with regard to the achievement, engagement and well-being of students with disability.

This is a Victorian-only award and does not articulate to the Australian Training Awards.


  • Your organisation must:
  • be a training provider whose core business is the delivery of training
  • deliver training in Victoria
  • be a training provider delivering an inclusive curriculum for students with a disability and/or additional needs
  • have an effective Disability Action Plan and inclusive and accessible employment plans in place

Inclusive Training Provider of the Year Selection Criteria

Small Training Provider of the Year

The Small Training Provider of the Year Award recognises small registered training organisations (RTOs) that offer a range of training products and services and that demonstrate excellence and high-level performance in all aspects of vocational education and training.

The winner of this Award will be nominated to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  • be a training provider whose core business is the delivery of training
  • deliver training in Victoria
  • have fewer than 500 students enrolled at the time of nomination, as reported by RTOs in the most recent annual National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) data collection period

Small Training Provider Selection Criteria

Large Training Provider of the Year

The Large Training Provider of the Year Award recognises large registered training organisations (RTOs) that offer a range of training products and services and that demonstrate excellence and high-level performance in all aspects of vocational education and training.

The winner of this Award will be nominated to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards.


Your organisation must:

  • be a training provider whose core business is the delivery of training
  • deliver training in Victoria
  • have 500 or more students enrolled at the time of nomination, as reported by RTOs in the most recent annual National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) data collection period.

Large Training Provider of the Year Award Selection Criteria