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Best Practice Education Model for accredited primary prevention and family violence training delivery

The Best Practice Education Model is designed for VET trainers to support delivery of primary prevention and family violence accredited training courses in ways that are safe, effective, inclusive and culturally appropriate.

A best practice vocational education and training (VET) delivery model (‘the Best Practice Education Model’) was developed in partnership by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and Family Safety Victoria (FSV).

The Best Practice Education Model aims to support the delivery of new accredited primary prevention and family violence response training courses in Victoria through TAFEs, dual-sector universities, and other registered training organisations (RTOs).

It has been developed through a facilitated design process between January and June 2021. In that process, Nous Group was engaged and drew on the knowledge and experience of primary prevention, family violence and Aboriginal culture experts, and of TAFE leaders involved in family violence training.

The purpose of the Best Practice Education Model is to ensure that VET trainers will be equipped to deliver accredited training courses in ways that are safe, effective, inclusive and culturally appropriate to learners who work/want to work in the primary prevention of family violence and violence against women and/or in responding to family violence in the Victorian community.

Best Practice Education Model
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