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The Victorian TAFE Network Clean Economy Prospectus 2024

Victoria’s network of 16 TAFE institutes and dual-sector universities is at the forefront of Victoria’s transformation to a clean economy.

The Victorian Government has set world-leading targets to transition to 95% renewable energy by 2035 and achieve net zero by 2045. This is a big undertaking, and it can’t be done without a training response that delivers a workforce with the necessary skills. Victoria’s network of 12 TAFEs and 4 dual-sector universities is ready to play a central role in this.

We are bringing back the State Electricity Commission (SEC) to drive down power bills, reduce emissions and help create up to 59,000 jobs in renewable energy, with at least 6,000 jobs for apprentices and trainees.

A new SEC Centre of Training Excellence will work with schools, TAFEs and universities, as well as government and Traditional Owners, to build the workforce we need. We are also developing two renewable energy training centres – one for hydrogen and one for wind – to prepare Victorian workers for these emerging industries.

We have established a TAFE Clean Energy Fund, with the first investments to open new facilities focused on renewable energy jobs at TAFE Gippsland, South-West TAFE and Federation TAFE.

The road ahead

In 2023, we set out the Victorian Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy, a 10-year framework to guide government, industry and the workforce on the path to net zero.

The Strategy outlines 5 strategic priorities to drive workforce transition, including a targeted skills model, flexible education and training, and enhanced workforce planning and attraction.

We need to work together to co-develop the necessary education and training as the economy rapidly changes.

The Victorian TAFE Network is your training partner

In this spirit of collaboration, I am delighted to present Training for the Clean Economy – the Victorian TAFE Network Prospectus.

This prospectus is a resource for business and industry that shows how the Victorian TAFE Network, led by the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD) and comprising 12 TAFEs and 4 dual-sector universities, is already contributing to the clean economy and how it stands ready to partner with industry to develop solutions for emerging workforce and skill needs.

I hope that this prospectus is the catalyst for new connections and partnerships between Victoria’s business community and Victoria’s TAFEs and dual-sector universities, as we all work together towards achieving a clean economy.

The Hon Gayle Tierney MP

Minister for Skills and TAFE

Minister for Regional Development
