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Victorian Committee for Families of Children with Disability

The Premier is delivering a new Victorian Committee for Families of Children with Disability and we’re looking for up to 12 members to join. Apply now!

About the committee

The committee provides an opportunity for parents and carers of children with disability to give feedback to the Victorian Government on:

  • policies, programs and services and
  • ways to improve outcomes for children with disability

Chaired by the Parliamentary Secretary for Disability, the committee will discuss topics such as:

  • education
  • child and family services
  • disability supports
  • healthcare
  • community inclusion such as sport and recreation

The committee is an initiative of the Premier and Victorian Government to hear more from families of children with disability. Family engagement is supported by the Association for Children with Disability (ACD).

Who can apply

Parents and carers of Victorian children with disability aged up to 18 years are invited to apply.

We are seeking committee members that reflect the diversity of the Victorian community, including:

  • families supporting children with different types of disabilities
  • First Peoples
  • culturally diverse families
  • parents or carers with disability
  • families from the LGBTIQA+ community
  • families from regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne
  • kinship, permanent and foster carers caring for children with disability

Priority will be given to parents and carers of children who receive individual support, such as the NDIS or funding at school. Preference will also be given to people who are not represented on other advisory groups.

How to apply

Find out more and apply now at the Association for Children with a Disability website.

Applications close 10:00am Monday 7 October, 2024.
