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Published by:
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
17 Apr 2024

The Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan represents the collective knowledge, strength, and voices of Victorian Aboriginal communities to support Dhelk Dja’s vision of Aboriginal people who are culturally strong, safe, and self-determining, with families and communities living free from violence.


Acknowledgement of Aboriginal people and communities in Victoria

Aboriginal people are acknowledged as Australia’s First Nations Peoples and the custodians of the land and waterways upon which we depend. We acknowledge Victoria’s Aboriginal communities and culture and pay respect to their Elders past and present.

Aboriginal culture is founded on a strong social, cultural and spiritual order that has sustained more than 60,000 years of existence. Victorian Aboriginal communities and peoples are culturally diverse, with rich and varied heritages and histories. Aboriginal cultural heritage and the ongoing contribution of Aboriginal people and communities to culture and society is acknowledged as a source of strength and pride to enrich the whole Victorian community.

The long standing leadership of Aboriginal communities and Elders in Victoria is recognised in preventing and responding to family violence and improving outcomes for Aboriginal people, children and families, whilst also acknowledging the devastating impacts and accumulation of trauma across generations as a result of colonisation, genocide and the violent dispossession of land and children. The invaluable contributions of all those who have paved the way and fought for the rights of Aboriginal people, including the right to self-determination and the right to live free from violence, are acknowledged.

To ensure that Aboriginal people, children, families and communities thrive, the Victorian Government is committed to an enduring community-led response to end family violence against Aboriginal people, underpinned by self-determination. Self-determination requires government to value and respect Aboriginal knowledge, systems and expertise and to transfer authority, decision making control and resources to Aboriginal people. This requires a significant cultural shift and a new way of working together. The Government acknowledges that this is the key to better outcomes for Aboriginal people and stronger, safer families and communities. Aboriginal self-determination is the foundation of Dhelk Dja - Safe Our Way: Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families (‘Dhelk Dja’).

Acknowledgment to Victim-Survivors

We acknowledge all victim-survivors of family violence and their families. We remember those who have been killed as a result of family violence. We also keep forefront in our minds all those who are still experiencing family violence today, and for whom we undertake this work.

Acknowledgement on Treaty and Truth processes

It is acknowledged that Treaty and Truth processes in Victoria may have a significant impact on Government policy, governance and funding across all areas of Aboriginal Affairs. A commitment is provided to amend the Dhelk Dja Partnership Agreement and Action Plans, including governance and funding arrangements, as required to align with progress in Treaty negotiations and findings/ recommendations from the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Statement from the Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus

Our Aboriginal communities and leaders in Victoria have been working for a long time to address the impacts of family violence and intergenerational trauma on our people. Our knowledge, our strength, and our voices continue to be at the heart of everything we do to end family violence and the devastating impacts it has on our people, families and communities.

As the Aboriginal members and champions of the Dhelk Dja 10 Year Agreement, Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus are pleased to present the secondDhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan that will continue to transform and shape Dhelk Dja’s vision. The critical actions outlined in this plan represents our strategic priorities over the next three years.

The plan is deliberately ambitious with a particular focus on aligning to the Priority Reform areas under the Victorian Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap, including:

  • Priority Reform One: Formal partnerships and shared decision-making
  • Priority Reform Two: Building the community-controlled sector
  • Priority Reform Three: Transforming government organisations
  • Priority Reform Four: Shared access to data and information at a regional level

The launch of the Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan 2023-2025 provides us with an opportunity to highlight the significant work undertaken in the first Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan by our collective Dhelk Dja Action Groups, ACCO family violence sector and government partners in addressing the impacts of family violence and the intergenerational trauma on our people.

The establishment of an independent Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus Secretariat in 2021 supported the greater autonomy and transition of authority and decision making to Koori Caucus members. The establishment of the ACCO Family Violence Sector Forum, firstly in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020, continued as a formal consultation and engagement mechanism under the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum to support the development of culturally safe services and responses for Aboriginal people impacted by family violence.

We have also enshrined the voice of victim-survivors by incorporating the Aboriginal members of the Victim Survivors Advisory Council as Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum and Koori Caucus members.

Koori Caucus led the design and prioritisation of activity under the $18.2 million Dhelk Dja Family Violence Fund. This fund was established over two years as a flexible pool of funding streams for eligible Aboriginal organisations and community groups to enable a range of Aboriginal-led tailored responses for victim-survivors and people who use violence. A total of 80 initiatives were funded across Aboriginal frontline family violence services, holistic healing, Preventing the Cycle of Violence and workforce development. These initiatives were underpinned by the Nargneit Birrang - Aboriginal holistic healing framework for family violence which was co-designed and endorsed by the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum as a state-wide family violence holistic healing approach for Aboriginal communities.

Funding was provided to five Aboriginal services to design and test Victoria’s first ever culturally appropriate Aboriginal Sexual Assault Services. These services are based on holistic healing principles and support the expansion of specialised therapeutic support for Aboriginal Victorians who are victims of family violence and sexual assault.

The Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy provided $3 million in scholarships through direct allocation to ACCOs to ensure the Aboriginal workforce have no barriers in attaining minimum qualifications under the Royal Commission into Family Violence Recommendation 209 – specialisation of the family violence workforce.

The Aboriginal Data Mapping and Data Needs project was undertaken to support the development of baseline understanding of Aboriginal family violence to build the evidence base for prevention and intervention. The defined data, indicators and measures developed will inform strategic decision making.

Two significant prevention projects were delivered including the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Mapping Initiative and the Aboriginal Family Violence Primary Prevention Research Project. The Mapping Initiative mapped five years (2016 to 2021) of government funded Aboriginal family violence prevention initiatives in Victoria. The research project acts as a companion piece to the Mapping Initiative and explores the application of evidencebased approaches from Victoria and Australia more broadly to prevent family violence in Aboriginal communities. This work will inform the refresh of the Indigenous Family Violence Primary Prevention Framework which will be integral in supporting Aboriginal communities to implement effective approaches to the prevention of family violence.

The Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum endorsed the unique Aboriginal Access Point service model which will deliver family violence services in a culturally safe and culturally responsive way, underpinned by self-determination through providing community driven, Aboriginal-led service choice for Aboriginal communities. Three Aboriginal Access Point services will commence in Bayside Peninsula, Barwon and Mallee areas providing a complementary service to The Orange Door.

The Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan and Strengthening Cultural Safety in The Orange Doors ensure that services are supports are culturally safe. VACCA has been working with Family Safety Victoria to implement the Strengthening Cultural Safety in The Orange Doors in a way that is sustainable and locally driven by Aboriginal services and communities. Cultural Safety Project Leads, based in ACCOs across the state are delivering foundational cultural safety training modules tailored to The Orange Door, as part of the assessment of the cultural safety assessment of the service. This work enhances the implementation of the Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan for The Orange Door.

Staying true to Dhelk Dja

We know there is still much more work to do.

We will continue to monitor our progress against the second 3 Year Action Plan against the Dhelk Dja Monitoring Evaluation and Accountability Plan using Aboriginal defined measures of success.

We recognise that Dhelk Dja is everyone’s business. Everyone, all services and all parts of government in Victoria are accountable for a future in which Aboriginal people live free from family violence. Only by working together and implementing Aboriginal solutions can we end family violence our way.

Koori Caucus members

Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum

Statement from the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

I am pleased to present the Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan (2023-2025).

I am pleased to present the Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan (2023-2025).

The Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan outlines five priority areas to support Dhelk Dja’s vision of ensuring Aboriginal people are culturally strong, safe, and self-determining, with families and communities living free from violence. These priority areas have been identified by Aboriginal community members and represent the collective knowledge, strength and voices of Victorian Aboriginal communities.

The Plan also represents the Victorian Government’s continued commitment to the Dhelk Dja 10 Year Agreement and to working in genuine partnership with Aboriginal communities. It recognises the important role of Aboriginal community leadership in delivering culturally safe and appropriate responses to prevent and address family violence.

Since the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Victorian Government has substantially increased our investment in ACCOs delivering family violence services – with a ten-fold increase in funding to ACCOs between 2017–18 and 2022–23. In 2022–23 family violence funding provided to ACCOs represented approximately 12 per cent of total family violence funding across prevention, early intervention, crisis response and recovery.

We have strengthened formal partnerships and shared decision-making, and for the first time have undertaken an Agreement Making Process between Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus and responsible departments in developing this action plan.

This process demonstrates a strong commitment for departments to work with the Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus as members of the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum to drive implementation across the five priority areas over the next three years.

The Plan also aligns strongly to Victoria’s commitment to deliver on Target 13 of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap – By 2031, the rate of all forms of family violence and abuse against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children is reduced at least by 50%, as progress towards zero.

I thank members of the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum for their ongoing advocacy, time and commitment in bringing Dhelk Dja to life. I also thank all members of the Dhelk Dja Action Groups and Aboriginal community members who, along with Aboriginal services, contribute
to achieving the aspirations in the Plan.

As ever, thanks and gratitude goes to all those victim-survivors who have been able to contribute to this important work. I look forward to continuing to support this partnership to deliver on the commitments in the Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan and working towards improved outcomes for Aboriginal communities.

Vicki Ward MP
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

Strategic Priorities and Critical Actions

Strategic Priority One

Aboriginal culture and leadership

1.1 Informed leadership with appropriate authority to drive regional and state wide family violence reform

1.2 Agreement Making Process with departmental signatories from Department of Education, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Department of Health, Department of Families,

Fairness and Housing and Victoria Police

1.3 Support ACCOs and Action Groups to revive, rebalance, and restore culture in a strengths based way

1.4 Develop an Aboriginal model for trauma informed training that also builds resilience with broader alignment i.e. family violence and child protection

1.5 Incremental investment growth funding to ensure Aboriginal community and culture is embedded in government funding cycles

Strategic Priority Two

Aboriginal-led prevention

2.1 Embedding self-determination in prevention efforts targeting Aboriginal communities, particularly regarding funding arrangements and reporting requirements

2.2 Develop the leadership capability of the Action Groups to promote Aboriginal-led prevention in their community

2.3 Invest in best-practice prevention initiatives

Strategic Priority Three

Self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services

3.1 Government will transform the system, with Aboriginal services resourced as the primary providers of healing and family violence services for Aboriginal children and people who experience family violence, and people who use family violence

3.2 Government to commit to Aboriginal Funding Reform to strengthen the capacity for ACCOs to deliver Aboriginal family violence and sexual assault services sustainably

3.3 Prioritise the continuation of funding for transitional and long-term housing options that address the needs of Aboriginal people who experience and/or use family violence and prioritise the safety of victim-survivors

Strategic Priority Four

System transformation based on self-determination

4.1 Aboriginal people will be involved in decision-making around investment and resourcing, to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of our front-line Aboriginal services with family violence expertise to contribute to policy and program development, law reform and system improvement across a range of areas including police, courts and universal services

4.2 Alignment to broader anti racism and discrimination framework to be developed

Strategic Priority Five

Aboriginal-led and informed innovation, data and research

5.1 Develop a shared understanding of data sovereignty

5.2 Strengthen capacity of Aboriginal community and services to monitor, evaluate and lead evidence-based practice in family violence responses

5.3 Increase rate of compliance with statutory orders by Aboriginal people

5.4 Build an evidence base of what works to support Aboriginal people and communities to prevent, respond to and heal from family violence

Critical Actions

Strategic Priority One: Aboriginal culture and leadership

In 10 years

  • The voices and cultural ways of Aboriginal people will be respected
  • Government will invest sustainably in Aboriginal controlled structures and capacity
  • Government will invest in Aboriginal community-led governance and leadership to drive policy, implementation, monitoring and evaluation across the breadth of the service system, including family violence, housing, health, education, child protection and justice agencies, courts and access to legal services

Critical actions

1.1 Informed leadership with appropriate authority to drive regional and state wide family violence reform

1.2 Agreement Making Process with departmental signatories from Department of Education, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Department of Health, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Victoria Police

1.3 Support ACCOs and Action Groups to revive, rebalance, and restore culture in a strengths based way

1.4 Develop an Aboriginal model for trauma informed training that also builds resilience with broader alignment i.e. family Violence and child protection

1.5 Incremental investment growth funding to ensure Aboriginal community and culture is embedded in government funding cycles

Supporting activities

Supporting activitiesLead and contributors

Activities duration by year

1.1.1 Develop an Aboriginal Cultural Leadership ModelDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2024

1.1.2 Develop Aboriginal approaches to supervision in the Best Practice Supervision GuidelinesDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2024

1.1.3 Invest in champions of change and leadership psychology and programsDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2025

1.1.4 Strengthen Dhelk Dja regional governance and reporting mechanisms and elevate the voice of Action Groups at the regional level and to hold government, mainstream services and ACCOs to accountDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Dhelk Dja Action Groups

Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024

1.1.5 Ensure Dhelk Dja Regional Action Plans are developed with accountability to the Dhelk Dja Agreement, strategic priorities and 3 Year Action Plan, and measures consistent with the Dhelk Dja Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability PlanDhelk Dja Action Groups
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.1.6 Improvements in cultural safety of the housing and homelessness sectorDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.1.7 Support Victoria Police representation in the Yoorrook Justice Commission processVictoria Police

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.1.8 Strengthen and uplift the Aboriginal Cultural Liaison Officer (ACLO) and Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer (PALO) capability.Victoria Police

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.1.9 Increase culturally appropriate referrals to ensure provision of improved and additional support for Aboriginal peopleVictoria Police

Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025

1.1.10 Strengthen the Victoria Police complaint process to enable culturally safe reporting.Victoria Police

Beginning and completion in 2024

1.1.11 Continue to deliver Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST) in schoolsDepartment of Education

Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025

1.1.12 Victorian schools are supported to establish a culturally safe environment for Aboriginal students through implementing the Victorian Child Safe Standards, in particular:

  • Standard 1 – culturally safe environments
  • Standard 3 – child and student empowerment
  • Standard 4 – family engagemen
Department of Education

Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025

1.1.13 Continued representation of Aboriginal Legal Services on the Family Violence Legal Assistance Working GroupDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Federation of Community Legal Centres, Djirra, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS)

Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025

1.2.1 Family Violence Reform Board commit to the implementation of the second Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action PlanFamily Violence Reform Board
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.2.2 Each signatory to the agreement making process to develop and implement Dhelk Dja Action PlansDepartment of Education, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Department of Health, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Victoria Police

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.2.3 Explore alignment opportunities across two of the Departments Aboriginal-led agreements: Dhelk Dja Safe Our Way – Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families Agreement and the Wungurilwil Gapgapduir Aboriginal Children and Families AgreementDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2023

1.2.4 Develop an Aboriginal child and youth framework to ensure the voices of Aboriginal children and young people are embedded in system transformation workDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing

Beginning and completion in 2024

1.3.1 Strengthen resources and support for ACCOs and Action Groups to restore culture in a strengths based wayDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
ACCOs & Dhelk Dja Action Groups

Beginning and completion in 2025

1.3.2 Continue to support communities to convene regular Aboriginal cultural activities and support groups to strengthen culture and identity and address underlying causes of family violence in a culturally safe environmentDhelk Dja Action Groups, ACCOs
Government members
Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.3.3 Deliver Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training (ACAT) and Understanding Family Violence in the Aboriginal Community, e-learning Module 4 to all police Protective Services Officers and public servants including Police Custody OfficersVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.3.4 Continue to implement the Better, Connected Care Common Service Delivery Framework to ensure a consistent approach to integrated service delivery across justice, health and social serviceDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Relevant government departments and entities
Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.3.5 Continue to deliver the Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees (RAJAC) and Local Aboriginal Justice Action Committees (LAJAC)Department of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.3.6 Continue to implement the Police and Aboriginal Community Protocols Against Family Violence sites (PACPAFVs) across the stateVictoria Police
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.4.1 Map existing tools and frameworks regarding trauma informed trainingDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
1.4.2 Provide trauma-informed training to Aboriginal community organisations and community members based on community needsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
1.4.3 Development of a trauma-aware position statement and guidance material for police focussed on the practical application of trauma-aware principles that is informed Aboriginal lived experienceVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completed by 2024
1.4.4 Continue to deliver culturally safe family violence and Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) training to Department of Justice and Community Safety staffDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2023 and completed by 2025
1.5.1 Develop a 10-year investment strategyDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Premier and Cabinet,
Department of Treasury and Finance
Beginning and completion in 2024
1.5.2 Strengthen data collection for the Aboriginal community through the CSA websiteVictoria PoliceBeginning and completion in 2024

Strategic Priority Two: Aboriginal-led prevention

In 10 years

  • Aboriginal people and communities will be safe to express their cultural identity
  • More Aboriginal Elders, men and women will be champions, role models and leaders promoting everyone’s right to safety and wellbeing
  • There will be a strong evidence base to understand the possible impact of an Aboriginal community-led prevention approach
  • Government will invest sustainably in holistic, culturally appropriate, Aboriginal-led prevention initiatives that take a whole of family and whole of community approach and share pride in Aboriginal culture and history
  • Victorian communities will have zero tolerance for family violence, racism and discrimination
  • The impact of family violence on Aboriginal communities will reduce

Critical actions

2.1 Embedding self-determination in prevention efforts targeting Aboriginal communities, particularly regarding funding arrangements and reporting requirements

2.2 Develop the leadership capability of the Action Groups to promote Aboriginal-led prevention in their community

2.3 Invest in best-practice prevention initiatives

Supporting activities

Supporting activities Lead and contributorsActivities duration by year
2.1.1 Build on the evidence base of Aboriginal community-led prevention to prioritise funding towards successful prevention initiativesDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning and completion in 2024
2.1.2 Develop Aboriginal measures of success in Aboriginal-led prevention and family violence funded activitiesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
2.1.3 Expansion and evaluation of the Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance ProgramDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
2.1.4 Review of Aboriginal Practice Guide to support the workforce to respond safely and respectfully to Aboriginal people who have experienced or are affected by family and/or sexual violenceVictoria PoliceBeginning and completion in 2023
2.1.5 Coordinate Victoria Police efforts across Commands to support strategic objectives involving Aboriginal communities and prioritiesVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.2.1 Design and implement a community-led prevention education program targeted for Aboriginal peopleDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
2.2.2 Annual showcase event to inform best practice and community-led prevention activityDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.2.3 Develop an Ambassadors Program to promote the prevention of Aboriginal family violence in the communityDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus
Beginning and completion in 2025
2.2.4 Support Aboriginal leadership engagement at Police and Aboriginal Community Protocols Against Family Violence (PACPAFV) sitesVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.2.5 Continue to support all Victorian government schools and participating Catholic and independent schools to implement and embed Respectful Relationships. This recognises that violence against Aboriginal women and children is often perpetrated by men from other cultural backgroundsDepartment of EducationBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.1 Strengthen existing Aboriginal prevention campaignsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2024 and completion by 2025
2.3.2 Develop a Deadly questions campaignDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
2.3.3 In partnership with Aboriginal organisations, develop and deliver education programs for Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care, focusing on respectful relationships to break the cycle of intergenerational family violenceDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Education
Beginning and completion in 2024
2.3.4 Deliver evidence-based respectful relationships education focussed on children and young people in the Aboriginal communityDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Education
Beginning and completion in 2024
2.3.5 Work through recommendations from the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor on Misidentification of the Predominant Aggressor including: ‘Through Koori Caucus and the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum, work with the ACCO Family Violence Forum members to ensure that the solutions developed adequately respond to Aboriginal victim-survivors’Victoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.6 Implement proposed actions to ensure that the solutions developed adequately respond to Aboriginal victim-survivors that are misidentified as the predominate aggressorDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Families, Fairness
and Housing, Victoria
Police, Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.7 Ensure family violence case prioritisation models address Aboriginal specific issues.Victoria PoliceBeginning and completion in 2024
2.3.8 Continue to deliver the Respectful Relationships professional learning to early childhood educators in Victorian government funded kindergartens. This recognises that violence against Aboriginal women and children is often perpetrated by men from other cultural backgroundsDepartment of EducationBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.9 Build the capacity of the regional Respectful Relationships workforce to support schools to implement Respectful Relationships in a culturally safe way for Aboriginal students, families and school staff, through professional development and supporting resourcesDepartment of EducationBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.10 Update the Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships and Building Respectful Relationships teaching and learning resources to ensure they are inclusive of Aboriginal children and young people.Department of EducationBeginning and completion in 2023
2.3.11 Schools can engage local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHO) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) through the Schools Mental Health Menu to support their implementation of Respectful Relationships in a culturally safe way for Aboriginal students and familiesDepartment of EducationBeginning in 2024 and completion by 2025
2.3.12 Continue to support delivery of Djirra for the delivery of Dilly Bag, Sisters Day Out and Young Luv programs for Aboriginal women experiencing or at risk of family violenceDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.13 Continue to support delivery of Dardi Munwurro for the expansion of the Bramung Jaarn Program.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Dardi Munwurro
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.14 Continue the delivery of The Beyond Survival ProgramDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.15 Continue the delivery of the Men's Healing and Behaviour Change ProgramDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.16 Continue to deliver the Marumali Program in prisons and Community Corrections ServicesDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Connecting Home
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.17 Continue to deliver the Gulgurn Munja Gariwerd Academy in youth justiceDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Wimmera South West - BSW and Grampians RAJAC
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.18 Continue to deliver the Koko Blokes in prisons and Community Corrections ServicesDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
2.3.19 Support the design of an independent self-determined justice model that will incorporate Elders and Respected Persons Council to be known as Yallum YallumDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Grampians RAJAC
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.20 Operationalisation of the definition of harm under the Liquor Control Reform Act (LCRA)Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
2.3.20 Improved service integration between Gamblers Help and family violence support services Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025

Strategic Priority Three: Self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services

In 10 years

  • Aboriginal family violence services will ensure Aboriginal people exercise their rights and responsibilities and have support when necessary to navigate the system and make informed choices
  • Government will transform the system, with Aboriginal services resourced as the primary providers of healing and family violence services for Aboriginal people who experience family violence, and people who use family violence
  • Support will be provided to Aboriginal Victorians through a strong Aboriginal designed and led healing model
  • Government will fund and enable services to support a person’s healing journey, with long-term therapeutic support, rather than individual episodes of support
  • Government will grow, strengthen, upskill and resource the Aboriginal workforce and service system through Aboriginal designed and led employment pathways

Critical actions

3.1 Government will transform the system, with Aboriginal services resourced as the primary providers of healing and family violence services for Aboriginal children and people who experience family violence, and people who use family violence

3.2 Government to commit to Aboriginal Funding Reform to strengthen the capacity for ACCOs to deliver Aboriginal family violence and sexual assault services sustainably

3.3 Prioritise the continuation of funding for transitional and long-term housing options that address the needs of Aboriginal people who experience and/or use family violence and prioritise the safety of victim-survivors

Supporting activities

Supporting activities Lead and contributorsActivities duration by year
3.1.1 Evaluate and expand on the Sexual Assault Trial SitesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.1.2 Evaluate and expand on the implementation of the Aboriginal Access PointsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2025
3.1.3 Evaluate and build on the Place for Change (formally known as the Medium-term Perpetrator Accommodation Scheme) to expand to additional areasDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.1.4 Evaluate and expand on successful Dhelk Dja funded activitiesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.1.5 Support ACCOs to provide culturally appropriate and timely counselling and wrap-around services for children in the out of home care system who have been victims of family violence and sexual abuseDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.1.6 Through The Orange Door and Child and Family Services, provide Aboriginal children impacted by abuse or family violence with information about victim support, legal services and redressDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning and completion in 2024
3.1.7 Through The Orange Door and Child and Family Services, provide Aboriginal children with information and support to reconnect to education and early childhood servicesDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Education
Beginning in 2024 and completion by 2025
3.1.8 Complete 5-Year Review (evaluation) of MARAM as best practice, including evaluation of the effectiveness of the MARAM tool for undertaking family violence risk assessment and management for Aboriginal peopleDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
3.1.9 Continuous improvement activities for The Orange Door and MARAM engages Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum/governance mechanismsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
3.1.10 Trial and evaluate the serious risk program to provide an intensive, coordinated response to serious-risk adults using family violence and the victim survivors impacted by their violenceDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
3.1.11 Commence the delivery of a specialist Disability Advice and Response Team (DART) response to Aboriginal young people and their families at Marram-Ngala Ganbu (Koori Family Hearing Days) within the Children's Court of Victoria. An evaluation of DART, including the specialist response to Marram- Ngala Ganbu, is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2024Department of Justice and Community Safety
Children's Court of Victoria.
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
3.1.12 Continue to support the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and Djirra involvement in the delivery of the Legal Services in The Orange Door PilotDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
3.1.13 Continue to support the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and Djirra's involvement in the Victims Legal ServiceDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning and completion in 2023
3.2.1 Consider the recommendations of the Aboriginal Funding Reform Project, including proposed funding models and system changes to improve government funding to Aboriginal family violence servicesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.2.2 Implement the Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy including implementing the Aboriginal model for Royal Comission into Family Violence recommendation 209Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Education
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
3.2.3 Continue to support the delivery of the Brother to Brother Crisis LineDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Dardi Munwurro
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
3.2.4 Continue to deliver the Koori Women's Place ProgramDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
3.2.5 Continue to deliver the Djirra Prison Support ProgramDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning and completion in 2023
3.3.1 Time Out accommodation services to be expandedDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2025
3.3.2 Healing services to be designed and delivered statewideDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2025
3.3.3 Expansion and evaluation of the Corrections Housing Pathway Initiative with Aboriginal-specific positionsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.3.4 Evaluate and build on implementation of an Aboriginal-specific entry point for homelessness services Department of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
3.3.5 Strengthen Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum governance to progress implementation of mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort objectives and to provide accountability and transparencyDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
3.3.6 Continue to deliver the Ngarra Jarranounith Place programDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Dardi Munwurro
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024

Strategic Priority Four: System transformation based on self-determination

In 10 years

  • Government will invest in strong partnerships and collaboration between Aboriginal and non-aboriginal services to ensure policies, programs and the service system are responsive and not siloed
  • Government will ensure strengths-based, trauma informed, and culturally safe practices are built into policies and practice, and the broader family violence service system and its workforce
  • Aboriginal people will be involved in decision-making around investment and resourcing; and front-line family violence services will contribute to policy and program development, law reform and system improvement across a range of areas including police, courts and universal services

Critical actions

4.1 Aboriginal people will be involved in decision-making around investment and resourcing, to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of our front-line Aboriginal services with family violence expertise to contribute to policy and program development, law reform and system improvement across a range of areas including police, courts and universal services

4.2 Alignment to broader anti racism and discrimination framework to be developed

Supporting activities

Supporting activities Lead and contributorsActivities duration by year
4.1.1 Create system reform and sustainability that puts community at the centreDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.1.2 Establish high level accountability and governance mechanisms to contribute to Dhelk Dja priorities at regional and statewide levelsDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
4.1.3 Invest in Dhelk Dja commensurate with the current family violence reformsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
4.1.4 Strengthen regional authorisation of Dhelk Dja within the Korin Korin Balit-Djak reformDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
4.1.5 Standard Indigenous Question to be mandated within The Orange Door network to ensure the option for a culturally safe response with flexibility to change how they identifyDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
4.1.6 Develop MARAM practice guidance and tools for working with children and young people, embedding self-determination approaches in the process of development and outcomesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
4.1.7 Establish governance arrangements overseeing work to progress the Blueprint for an Aboriginal-specific Homelessness System in VictoriaDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
4.1.8 Establish lead system steward to progress the Blueprint for an Aboriginal-specific Homelessness System in Victoria Department of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
4.1.9 Continue to enable Victorian Aboriginal communities to participate in the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build investment to build their supply and grow their capacity. This includes 10 per cent net new social housing dwelling to be allocated to Aboriginal Victorians delivering a total of 820 new homes.Department of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.1.10 Establish and refresh Police and Aboriginal Community Protocols Against Family Violence (PACPAFV) sites state-wide.Victoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
4.1.11 Continue to ensure Aboriginal Communities voices are represented within the Local Site Executive Committees of The Better, Connected Care model.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Department of Education, Department of Health, Victoria Police
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.1.12 Development of Aboriginal Victims of Crime StrategyDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Aboriginal Justice Caucus
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
4.1.13 Implementation of actions within the Wirkara Kulpa, the Aboriginal Youth Justice Strategy 2022-2032Department of Justice and Community Safety
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.2.1 Identify racism and discrimination, as well as conscious and unconscious bias in an Aboriginal context (including people with a disability, LGBTQI+, Elders and Young People)Department of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
4.2.2 Work across government to ensure programs and initiatives to prevent family violence address racism and discrimination as forms and drivers of family violence against Aboriginal peopleRespect Victoria, DFFHBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.2.3 Develop a whole of Victorian Government Anti-Racism StrategyDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing, Department of Premier and CabinetBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
4.2.4 Formalise the guidelines of the Aboriginal Community Justice Panels (ACJP) program to align with policy and ensure safe management of Aboriginal people in police custodyVictoria PoliceBeginning and completion in 2023
4.2.6 Accessibility in Action: Disability Action Plan 2022-2026 seeks to improve outcomes for justice clients and staff with disability, and includes core guiding principles of intersectionality, Aboriginal self-determination, and valuing lived and living experienceDepartment of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025

Strategic Priority Five: Aboriginal-led and informed innovation, data and research

In 10 years

  • Government, Aboriginal services and community will access and share relevant data in community-led language; and use data and research to understand a holistic picture of client experience
  • Aboriginal services and communities will use systemic data derived from systems that talk with each other to inform strategic priorities, support local service provision and drive system improvements
  • There will be an evidence base of what works to support Aboriginal people and communities to prevent, respond to and heal from family violence
  • Government will implement improved and culturally safe client management systems
  • Government will strengthen the capacity of services and workforces to drive Aboriginal-led and informed data collection, evaluation and research

Critical actions

5.1 Develop a shared understanding of data sovereignty

5.2 Strengthen capacity of Aboriginal community and services to monitor, evaluate and lead evidence-based practice in family violence responses

5.3 Government will strengthen the capacity of services and workforces to drive Aboriginal-led and informed data collection, evaluation and research

5.4 Build an evidence base of what works to support Aboriginal people and communities to prevent, respond to and heal from family violence

5.5 Develop a shared understanding of data sovereignty

Supporting activities

Supporting activities Lead and contributorsActivities duration by year
5.1.1 Data sharing protocols to be developed, along with a shared understanding of Aboriginal data sovereignty and knowledge to increase integrity, transparency and accessibility of government data on Aboriginal outcomesDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing Department of Health, Victoria Police, Department of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning in 2024 and completion by 2025
5.1.2 Participate in the Dhelk Dja Data Working Group and Sub-Working Group to strengthen data collection and analysisVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
5.2.1 Capturing the data narrative including variables such as whether the service users used an Aboriginal-only serviceDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
5.2.2 Ability to capture and interrogate data to understand contributing factors to data spikes i.e., TOD opening, sorry business, legislative/reform impactsDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing Department of Justice and Community SafetyBeginning and completion in 2023
5.2.3 Build the capacity of Action Groups/ACCOs to translate/interpret data from an Aboriginal worldview and to drive research rather than participateDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
5.2.4 Build capacity of ACCOs/community groups to monitor and evaluate their projectsDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2024
5.3.1 Establish a dedicated data position in Family Safety Victoria to support the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum in accessing and interpreting family violence data with regional profilesDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning and completion in 2023
5.3.2 Identify the gaps and data linkages in current data collection processes and systems to build an evidence base and hold service providers to accountDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
5.3.3 Mandate the capture and recording of the Standard Indigenous Question for family violence victims including children and young people and those who use violence and establish a target reduction of unknown status across the family violence service systemDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
5.3.4 Champion Aboriginal led research, from design to delivery, through Research Program Phases 1 and 2Department of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
5.3.5 Deliver an Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness data dashboardDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2024
5.3.6 Review, monitor and improve police compliance with the Standard Indigenous Question at family violence incidents for the respondent, Affected Family Member and involved children to support timely referral to Aboriginal services and improve data qualityVictoria PoliceBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
5.4.1 Procure Aboriginal researchers and organisations to undertake research into Aboriginal family violence including for people who use violenceDepartment of Families, Fairness and HousingBeginning in 2023 and completion by 2025
5.4.2 Encourage investment in First Peoples led research into gambling harm and the intersections with family violence.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
Beginning in 2023 and completion by 2025