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Dhelk Dja Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy

Tuesday 28 May 2019 at 6:59 am

FSV’s Inclusion and Engagement branch has started work on an Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy.

Aligning with Building from Strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response, the strategy will follow the strategic directions of the DHHS Aboriginal health and human services workforce strategic action plan 2018-2019(opens in a new window), which relates to our specialist Aboriginal family violence workforce.

The Dhelk Dja Priority 3 Sub-Working Group has been established to lead on the implementation of the third priority outlined Dhelk Dja – Safe Our Way: Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families – self-determining Aboriginal family violence support and services. This includes the development of the industry strategy.

The group is chaired by Angela Singh, Executive Director, Koorie Outcomes Division, Department of Education and Training, and held its first meeting on 19 February. The group’s core work will be:

  • the development of a request for quote for an Aboriginal registered training organisation to develop a recognition of current competency/recognition of prior learning audit tool for the Diploma of Community Services. This work will support an Aboriginal response to Recommendation 209(opens in a new window) of the Royal Commission into Family Violence that relates to identifying the equivalent qualification to a Bachelor of Social Work which new family violence practitioners are required to have from mid to late 2020.
  • meeting with key stakeholders who have a role in accrediting relevant community services/family violence qualifications to ensure there are sufficient Aboriginal perspectives within the curriculum.
  • organising a workshop to commence the development of the Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy with expertise from within FSV, including the Centre for Workforce Excellence, the Sub-Working Group membership and the broader sector as required.

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