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Family Violence Memorial designed for remembrance, reflection and hope

The design for Victoria’s Family Violence Memorial has been unveiled, with work set to start on the St Andrews Reserve site in Melbourne soon.

Sunday 22 November 2020 at 4:29 am

Intended as a space for remembrance, reflection and hope, the Family Violence Memorial will be defined by a field of purple flowers that bloom year-round – symbolic of the global movement to end family violence.

A welcoming and inclusive place for the whole community, the memorial will be formed around a paved deck leading to a folded grass gathering area sheltered by a comforting English Elm. The tree is central to the design and represents the passing of time, renewal and a bright future.

Through this thoughtful design, the Family Violence Memorial will honour the lives of those lost and remember the potential that those lives held.

It will also shine a light on the vital work being done to build a future free from violence, and serve as a permanent reminder to those experiencing family violence of the support networks available to them.

Family violence comes in many forms, and this memorial is intended as a space for all, including those victims without visible scars, those victims in LGBTIQ relationships, those who have suffered from elder abuse and children and young people.

The Family Violence Memorial is a partnership between the Victorian Government, the City of Melbourne and the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council, working with architecture firms Muir+Openwork.

The partnership has also worked in close consultation with traditional owners and the inclusion of a smoking vessel and inscription centrally within the landscape will recognise the cultural significance of the site.

Help is available from safe steps, 24/7, call 1800 015 188, email in a new window) or use their web chat support service(opens in a new window) available Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm.

Take a look at the memorial’s design below.
