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Formal Review into Victorian Government Bodies’ Engagement with Construction Companies and Construction Unions


On 20 July the Premier announced a Formal Review to look into how Victorian Government bodies interact with the construction companies and unions involved in Victorian Government construction projects.

The Review will make recommendations about how the powers of these bodies can be strengthened, so they can better respond to allegations of criminal and other unlawful behaviour.

The Premier has appointed Greg Wilson to investigate, report on, and recommend actions relating to the terms of reference.

Terms of reference

The Review's full terms of reference are available below.

Terms of Reference - Formal review into Victorian Government bodies’ engagement with construction companies and construction unions
PDF 347.94 KB
(opens in a new window)

Interim report

An interim report was delivered to the Premier on Thursday 29 August.

This report was informed by discussions with relevant Victorian Government bodies, and people in the construction sector who spoke to the Review confidentially.

Interim report - Formal Review into Victorian Government Bodies’ Engagement with Construction Companies and Construction Unions
PDF 587.87 KB
(opens in a new window)

The Review process and timelines

Further investigation is underway, and a final report will be delivered to the Premier on 29 November.

How to participate

The interim report has identified key areas of interest that will be explored in more detail in the final report.

Four broad themes have emerged that cut across each of these areas, which the Review plans to focus on to inform the Final Report, including considering:

The Review invites both individuals and organisations involved in the sector to share their experiences and recommendations across these key themes via by 27 September.

Who to contact

Enquiries can be directed to our email address:
