What is Stronger by Design?
The Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board’s Stronger by Design initiative aims at improving the quality and consistency of pre-accredited training.
It builds on the 2013 Pre-Accredited Quality Framework (PQF) and is intended to reflect the contemporary vocational education and training environment. Specifically, it creates a more robust and consistent model of pre-accredited training delivery to improve teaching and learning supports for Victorian adults with low capabilities in the domains of language, literacy and numeracy, as well as digital and employability skills (LLNED).
Quality principles such as those outlined in the current PQF will remain a feature of pre-accredited provision under the refreshed framework (also known as PQF+):
- Adult learning principles
- Flexible and responsive teaching and learning practices to support local learners, industry and communities
- Pathways for educationally disadvantaged learners in a supportive learning environment.
How is PQF+ different?
The new model more clearly demonstrates how pre-accredited participation leads to improvements in the essential core skills all Victorians need – as a pathway to further training, sustainable employment or simply to fully engage in modern life:
- PQF+ includes revised tools focussed on learner achievement and pathways.
- It prioritises LLNED as the core purpose of contextualised pre-accredited provision.
- It makes the process of identifying and building learners' LLNED skills more explicit.
- Focus on learners, their needs and documenting their journey through pre-accredited training into further study or employment.
- Learners are placed in a program depending on their goals, interests and LLNED levels (determined by an initial interview and placement assessment).
- Learners are given portfolio that tracks and records their core skills gains to support transitions to further training or employment.
Where can I get more information?
Over coming months, the department on behalf of the ACFE Board will be communicating regularly with Learn Locals and other stakeholders on the progress of the initiative, including advice on how providers can get involved in shaping the future of pre-accredited training. In the first instance, please check the Stronger by Design website, or email strongerbydesign@djsir.vic.gov.au for further information.
For advice tailored to your circumstances, please contact your local ACFE regional office to learn what Stronger by Design means for you and how to get involved:
- North-Western Victoria Region: Kaye Callaghan, Tel: 0428 186 461
- North-Eastern Victoria Region: Cathy Clark, Tel: 0408 351 775
- South-Eastern Victoria Region: Jeremy Brewer, Tel: 0419 378 076
- South-Western Victoria Region: Georgina Ryder, Tel: 0419 370 818
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