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MARAM implementation second annual report

Friday 19 February 2021 at 12:30 am

The second annual report on the implementation of the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework, known as the MARAM, was tabled in Parliament and is now available.

The report provides a snapshot of MARAM achievements from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 across the Victorian Government, within the context of a challenging year that saw devastating bushfires across regional Victoria and the ongoing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic across Australia and the world.

MARAM is important work. Legislation and policy reforms, including the MARAM and Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes (FVISS) and Child Information Sharing Schemes (CISS), form the foundation of Victoria’s commitment to ending family violence.

MARAM is intended for all services working with people who may be experiencing family violence in Victoria, and requires the training of 37,500 workers across MARAM, FVISS and CISS as part of Phase 1 of the rollout. The training of another 370,000 workers in Phase 2 of MARAM, including teachers, nurses, doctors and workers in other state-funded services, is set to commence in April 2021.

Extensive cross-government, stakeholder and community collaboration enables the legislative reform to be implemented in a meaningful way across services and organisations.

The report includes highlights, examples and assessment of four strategic priorities determined for the implementation of MARAM. Case studies to demonstrate the impact of initiatives have also been included.

One case study included in the report demonstrates how collaborative practice works to assess family violence risk and coordinate a multiagency service delivery.

Case study: An example of collaborative practice between The Orange Door, Victoria Police, Central Information Point (CIP) and Community Health Services

The Orange Door received two L17s (police referrals) in respect of Julie (74 years) and her son, Paul (53 years), who were residing together. Paul was identified as experiencing mental health issues and harmful use of alcohol. Julie had previously obtained an intervention order against Paul, but he had since returned to live with her.

When The Orange Door contacted Julie following the latest incident, Paul answered the phone and Julie declined a need for assistance. A risk was identified that Julie may be prevented from accessing help.

The Orange Door completed a CIP request which provided a long history of criminal offending by Paul, multiple periods in prison, significant mental health concerns and serious family violence offending. A consultation occurred with the Advanced Family Violence Practice Leader who recommended a request for health information. This identified Julie had regular engagement with a health service. The Orange Door contacted the health service who were then able to facilitate a discussion with Julie in a safe location. This allowed the opportunity for Julie to agree to a MARAM risk assessment and safety planning.

Second annual report on the implementation of the MARAM

Read the full report or use the links to the snapshots below:

MARAM and information sharing achievements since the Royal Commission (2016)
MARAM, FVISS, CISS whole of government snapshot
