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Wellsprings for Women - Multicultural Community Infrastructure Grant case study

Dalal Smiley: I love Wellsprings [for Women] because it's an amazing place for women. It's a safe welcoming environment. The women who are coming in this space are engaged in many different programs. From whether they are coming to study computer or financial literacy, to doing art and craft or participating in the creative enterprising women program.

We received $30,000 from the Multicultural [Community] Infrastructure Grant. A learning environment makes a big difference for the women in how they engage with that learning.

We needed an extra room because we were growing, our programs were growing. We also needed an accessible toilet, we didn't have that being an old building. We also needed space for women to do some of the emerging programs that they were coming up with in terms of the creative art and craft. We also needed space to have a better technology learning environment.

When the funding was announced, I contacted the Department and discussed the project with them and we were very encouraged to apply because it met all the guidelines. It demonstrated strong need from the community for why we are doing this project, and it had a lot of support from other philanthropic organisations and other funding bodies.

We needed to demonstrate, for example, that we had all the right permits, the proper quotes, everything that was required.

Chithrika Senanayake: When I arrived here in Australia in 2015, I was isolated. After I came and joined the creative enterprising women program, it gave me an opportunity to develop my skills and do further studies, and in order to do that I was able to complete a diploma in reflexology by being part of the creative enterprising women program.

Dalal Smiley: The women enjoy being here, they enjoy the new space – it overlooks the garden so if they feel they want to step out for a break, they can do that. We are really very thrilled to have this new space.

[On-screen text:] Find out more about the Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund:
