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In Victoria, we have a new way of understanding identifying assessing and managing Family Violence risk.
To develop our new risk assessment tools we've asked a lot of questions about how family violence affects children and young people to make sure we ask the right
questions in our risk assessments. This new way of working recognizes the importance of listening to children and young people and hearing what they have to tell us about their own situation. Because little people can be forgotten in times of crisis and sometimes it's the quietest voices that need to be heard the most.
The new risk assessments consider the range of risk that children and young people experience because every child and young person will experience it differently.
Our risk assessment tools and guidance helps practitioners when they are assessing risk to children to better understand the child's developmental stage and circumstances including who helps and supports them. This information helps services to work together to support children and young people to be safe.
Our new ways of assessing and managing family violence risks puts children and young people at the center and provides support earlier so children and young people have a better chance of living free from violence.
