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Hamsa - Case Manager, Family Violence Support

Video transcript

I am a Case Manager at Multicultural Center Against Family Violence and I've been working here for about six years.

So, we work with refugee and migrant women who have experienced family violence in Australia.

We offer an in-culture, in-language service, so we try and match the clients as closely as possible to a worker from their own culture.

So, in a role like this everything's really varied. It really depends on the day. Some days you're checking in with clients, other days you might be going with them to court, or to see a lawyer.

Client might be in crisis so you might have to attend a care team meeting. So, it really depends on the day, but it's never boring.

I think it's really about supporting women in really challenging times, but really about empowerment and empowering them to make important changes in their lives.

My background was actually in media, but I moved to Australia and decided to study social work. And my past role was really about working in a team, building rapport, building trust, and I think those are the same elements that I brought to this role as well.

For anyone thinking about working in family violence, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. You're continually learning. Whether it's about new programs, new systems, working with other teams, you're continually learning.

I think the defining characteristics are really about empathy and compassion, and really about being non-judgmental and just listening to what the client is going through and what the client wants.

My job matters because I support women in really difficult circumstances and I help empower them to make real changes in their life.
