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Successfully implementing the improved ratios

Leigh (Service Provider): [0:00] So there were two factors for us. We did that in consultation with the staff team. We made sure that the staff team were very early on engaged and around the table with conversations and discussions.

Leigh (Service Provider): [0:19]It was quite an easy conversation to have with staff and with families. The conversation with staff was around inclusion and access for children. They were acutely aware of the importance of the children being able to access kindergarten in the year prior to school.

Karen (Educator): [0:34] You need to have a very, very clear communication strategy. At the moment we have one-on-one catch-ups, we have a communication board, a communication folder, message board, a whole range of different tools. But that needs to be established very, very early on.

Sharon (Service Provider): [0:55] The first thing we started to think about was the logistical type things. We had issues like the number of lockers that children had in kinder; chairs, tables, those sorts of things.

Leigh (Service Provider): [1:08] In relation to planning for 2016, as an organisation, we are looking at four key principles: quality, access, affordability, and sustainability. That is what’s driving our thinking for planning for 2016

Leigh (Service Provider): [1:23] We’re also very keen to support staff that are certificate three trained to move into and study the diploma as well. So we have professional development around that

Loretta (Educator): [1:32] I think anybody looking to step up into the role of a diploma, think about it carefully because it’s a really wonderful opportunity. I highly recommended it. I think you grow professionally from the experience and it’s a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge.

Emily (Educator): [1:49] So with working as a Cert III at the moment, I’ve got the opportunity to move into a Diploma position next year, which will broaden my thoughts and my learning with going into planning and take more responsibility within the room

Within yourself, your confidence is boosted as you know that you’re going into something that’s a little bit of a higher level that you’ve worked for.

Sharon (Service Provider): [2:12] This position offered them recognition of their qualification and training. By recognition, I mean by way of responsibility and also pay rate, and also a little bit of extra time and hours to work more closely with the teacher.

For us, we see this is a really positive working opportunity for someone who maybe wants to do that little bit more within the education environment, but not necessarily with the full complement of responsibilities that a teacher may have. We also see it as a really positive position for those that are maybe curious about undertaking a teaching degree, who have their Diploma, are considering a Bachelor degree and aren't quite sure yet whether or not that is the path they are going to take.

Leigh (Service Provider): [2:51] The drive for us, and for the staff, was around access and inclusion for children, and needing to be able to offer additional places. The staff understand that, and the staff team were keen to ensure, obviously, that as many children were able to participate in kindergarten.

Rose (Educator): [3:09] Being in a growth area, we have needed to increase our sizes to meet the needs of the families and the community in the area. By having the diploma in the room, we also get to work closely with the families.

Sharon (Service Provider): [3:34] My advice would be to be as consultative as you can, but be very clear on what your needs are as well, as an organisation.
