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Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool

[Dr Jane Page OAM, University of Melbourne]The early years of learning and development provide strong foundations for children's learning in the present, but also in the future.

So, what we can do for children in the first four years of life has an enormous impact on children's learning moving forward. .

The Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool is evidence-based, and it will be used in three and four year old kindergarten programs by teachers to support assessmentfor learning practices, planning practices and intentional teaching practices.

[Emily Fotiou, Kindergarten Teacher] It gives that opportunity to observe the child and have a really good look at where the child is at. It gives you that opportunity to really think about, ok, well, I haven't really observed that, so I need to go back and look at what this child is doing.

It just gives you a better overview of the child. And that's where it's really helped me.

[Dr Jane Page OAM, University of Melbourne]The tool supports everyday practice. It strengthens teachers' understanding of children's learning progressions. It generates evidence to support discussions with school teachers and other professionals. It improves observations and assessments of young children to support intentional teaching practices in the everyday.

And it supports continuity of learning. As four year old kindergarten teachers have discussions with school teachers as children transition into school.

[Emily Fotiou, Kindergarten Teacher] Whether you're first year or been teaching for 30 years, I think it's a great tool.

It's given me a better understanding of the children's learning and development. You know, how are they progressing? Ok, where to next? How can we extend their learning? You know, they're at this stage? Where can we go next? That's actually been really helpful in supporting children.

[Dr Jane Page OAM, University of Melbourne] The Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool helps early childhood professionals give Victorian children the best start in life.

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Best Start, Best Life

Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne

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