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Supporting Reciprocal Visits

Supporting Reciprocal Visits, a positive start to school – Transcript

File name: Duration: 03:29


Graphic on screen: Title: Supporting Reciprocal Visits

A positive start to school


[music under]


Animation: Blue sky, fluffy white clouds and a bright sun. Department of Education and Training logo.

Graphic on screen: Supporting Reciprocal Visits. A positive start to school.

Animation: Aerial view of a road that passes a blue building, a yellow building and a red building. A blue car driven by Mark, an Early Childhood educator, drives into the car park next to the blue building.


Narrator: Mark is an Early Childhood educator.


Animation: A yellow car driven by Lisa, a Primary School teacher, drives into the car park next to the yellow building.


Narrator: Lisa is a Prep teacher.


Animation: Mark and Lisa wave to each other across the road. They stop for a chat.


Lisa: Morning Mark!

Mark: Morning Lisa. Busy Day?

Lisa: Always. You? [Mark nods in response]


Animation: Mark with his students in his classroom.


Narrator: Mark is committed to making sure the children at his centre are confident and comfortable as they transition to Primary School.


Animation: Mark talking to the parents of a student.


Narrator: Mark prepares transition statements for each child and discusses with the families about ways they can help support their child.


Animation: Lisa with students in her classroom.


Narrator: Each year, Lisa looks forward to meeting her future prep children on Orientation Day. Lisa knows that a positive transition experience is critical for her new students.


Animation: Mark working at his computer on Transition Statement Reports.


Narrator: Mark has never had the opportunity to visit a prep classroom to discuss the differences in pedagogy and practice. Mark wonders whether the Transition Statements he writes are helpful for Lisa and the Out of School Hours Care educators.


Animation: Lisa in her classroom with some students.


Narrator: Lisa meets her new students for the first time when they arrive at school for orientation. She wonders what a play-based approach would look like in her classroom, and is curious about what the children she teaches get up to in the Out of School Hours Care program.


Animation: Mark and Lisa are chatting in the Primary School car park.


Lisa: I want to find out some ways to learn more about each other’s settings. I’ve heard that reciprocal visits could have a great impact on the way we teach.

Mark: That’s great Lisa. And I’ve heard that doing professional learning together can help too.

LISA: Why don’t we combine reciprocal visits with joint professional learning. We could also arrange for an external facilitator to coach and support our work, and invite the Out of School Hours Care educators. I’ll talk to my principal. Let’s see if we can make this happen.


Animation: Aerial view of the primary school car park. A blue car and a red car drive in and parks next to the yellow cars. Inside the building, a group is gathered for a meeting– Mark, Lisa, the Out of School Hours Care Educators and an external facilitator.


Narrator: Shared professional learning helps educators to strengthen respectful and ongoing dialogue, optimise teaching and learning experiences, understand how the educational focus in different settings affects each other, and support all children and families to engage with ongoing learning and development.


Animation: Lisa and the Out of School Hours Care educator visit Mark and his students in his classroom.


Narrator: Spending time in each other’s settings strengthened understanding of how and what each other teach, and how to better engage with families. Lisa adjusted some of her own classroom practices to introduce a play based pedagogy. The Out of School Hours Care educators also gained greater understanding of the focus in a school setting, and strategies that would further support children as they transition to school.


Animation: Aerial view of Mark and the Out of School Hours educator walking towards the Primary School.


Narrator: Lisa, Mark and the Out of School Hours Care educators adapted their transition processes for future years, made a transition to school plan, and now meet regularly throughout the year.


Graphic on screen: Reciprocal Visits can be organised in any local network. Talk to your team. Talk to your local network.


Narrator: Find out more about the Supporting Reciprocal Visits project by watching the videos and reading the reports. Show this video to your team members. Talk to them about it. Call other centres or schools in your local network. Show them the video and talk to them about how to make this happen in your local area


Graphic on screen: Department of Education and Training logo. Find out more


[music fades]
