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DPC Cyber Strategy Animation

Victorian Government Cyber Strategy Animation - transcript
Producer: Think HQ Pty Ltd
Speaker: Hollie Andrew

Technology and the internet continue to transform the way Victorians live, work and learn – creating ease in everyday life, modernising workplaces and delivering better digital government services.

Our reliance on technology has never been greater. And so, too, has the risk of cyber-attacks.

Every 10 minutes, a new cybercrime is reported by everyday Australians.

From scam emails to ransomware, criminals have also transformed to be smarter, faster and more cunning.

The Victorian Government is committed to keeping Victorians safe in a digital world. That’s why we have launched Victoria's new Cyber Strategy 2021.

We’re connecting government, industry and communities to carry out three core missions and strengthen Victoria's cyber resilience:

Mission One – Ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of government services

Mission Two – Making Victoria a cyber safe place to work, live and learn

Mission Three – Creating a vibrant cyber economy

We're setting a cyber agenda for the next five years, with a vision to create a cyber safe Victoria for all.

To learn more and download the Victorian Cyber Strategy 2021, visit
