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The journey to Women Deliver 2023

Text on screen: The journey to Women Deliver 2023. From the Oceanic Pacific to the world

Text on screen: Our Women Deliver story has been years in the making.

Text on screen: The Victorian Government stepped up as a WD2023 Regional Convening Partner for the Oceanic Pacific region, and along with foundational collaborators IWDA and DIVA for Equality, a Regional Committee was formed in early 2023.

Text on screen: Recently we formed our regional agenda at two powerful convenings.

Text on screen: First, at the Pacific Convening in Fiji…

Nalini Singh Fiji Women’s Rights Movement: We have our own Pacific convening which has been done because we’ve insisted on our own space, since we are so unique and our issues are unique to us; and we need to have our own convening space

Viva Tatawaqa, DIVA 4 Equality: Ensuring that Pacific women human’s rights defenders’ voices - when it comes to decolonizing, sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender climate justice and this so forth issues that we are going in with, will not be watered down.

Text on screen: Next, we gathered in Melbourne for the Oceanic Pacific Convening.

Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Women, Victoria: Over the course of the next two days our priority is ensuring that when we gather in Kigali in July to discuss gender equality, we share your voice, your lived experiences through true firsthand reflections of work, family and community that you live in every day.
Veena Singh, World YWCA: Having spaces and conferences like this that is co-developed, co-designed and co-implemented is critical in shifting powers

Noelene Nabulivou, DIVA for Equality: We always say in the feminist movement, we will never give up on ourselves, on other species and on this beautiful planet. The loss and damage that we are facing not just in Pacific islands but across the world is really scary and a worrying time for all, but we’re trying to hold the joy and the strength in the way we are organising together. So that work continues to women deliver 2023 but much broader and deeper as social movements.

Bettina Baldeschi, International Women’s Development Agency: All funding is political. So if all funding is political, political here I understand as power structured relationships, and we are about disrupting power, reshaping power, why isn’t all funding feminist funding?

Louisa Wall, Pacific Gender Equality Ambassador, Aotearoa: I’m very inspired by the level of indigenous participation in this WD event and the fact that our voices are being enabled and we have utility, by being able to speak for ourselves and represent our tribal communities who – we will never die, we will never go away, that’s not our constitution.

Yasmine Bjornum, Sista: We have so much to learn from each other. And I feel like this space is the perfect space, it’s so important for us to keep coming together, to keep on talking, keep on having uncomfortable conversations and to think of solutions together.”

Text on screen: From our convenings, we agreed on 12 thematic priorities to bring to Women Deliver 2023.

These are our priorities:

  • indigenous solidarity
  • climate justice
  • decolonisation
  • cultural sovereignty and self-determination
  • leadership and representation
  • resourcing for women’s rights
  • care work and economic justice
  • ending gender based violence.

Text on screen: Our voices are united. Join us.
