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Skills and Jobs Centre client feedback

My name is Joe Casey and I’m studying professional writing and editing at TAFE Gippsland.

I decided to start my course, because a few years ago I learned that I had lost some more of my hearing. Currently have two hearing aids.

I was already have a degree in furniture design and I was doing quite well. And then I decided to move away from that industry, get away from the noise.

Mainly I decided to seek out a careers counsellor and that ultimately led me to the skills and job centre. And one thing led to another and I met with Fiona and she put me in a direction.

I started professional writing with the idea of being in an office, being a quieter environment for my particular situation. But now that I’m halfway through the course, I’ve found that being creative helps me get out my creativity. Otherwise it bottles up. And, you know, I sometimes I just want explode. So I’m finding it’s better for me creatively than it is professionally.

I think other people could benefit from the skills and jobs entre if they’re seeking advice. I know I definitely did when I was looking for a bit of direction.
