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Skills and Jobs Centres Auslan services

What does SJC stand for?

SJC stands for Skills and Job Centre.

What do they do?

An SJC is a service funded by the Victorian government. They provide information about study pathways, job opportunities, including new jobsand in-demand areas of work.

Oh, are they only available here?

No, every TAFE has an SJC. They also network and can refer you to other services depending on what you need.

Ahh, so it's mainly for exploring study options?

Yes, study options, but they can also support career changes. You might have a job but want a change or you might be looking for work for the first time. Or perhaps you've been out of work for a while. You can get information and support with preparing to return to employment.

By job preparation, do you mean assistance with resumes?

Exactly. The SJC is great because they won't assume they know what you need. They try to assess what you want and they will work with you accordingly.

Is there a cost? How much does it cost?

No, it's free. They also offer a few other services. They offer career counselling which is provided by qualified counsellors.

They also offer lots of different workshops, on topics like employment skills, crafting impressive job applications, cover letters and resumes, or workshops on how to present yourself and how to respond to questions at interviews.

Can they also refer you to any other services you might need?

Yes, they can. They can refer you to community organisations or to employment services.

It looks like they must have strong links to their local community networks.

Yes, they do. They understand local and regional employment opportunities for people in that area.

Can anyone access SJC services?

There are no specific restrictions about who can access an SJC or how many times.
You can go once or multiple times. You can pop in for just one consultation and then go back for more when ready.

So, if I'm studying but unsure about my course or how to make a change, I can go to an SJC?

Yes, exactly.

…and if someone has a job but wants to change careers, they can also go to an SJC?

Yes, that's correct.

…and people who are looking for work, they can also go there, right?

Yes, they can get advice as well.

How do I contact them?

There's a link on the poster that opens a list of all SJCs. You can then find the SJC closest to you so you don't have to travel too far. Alternatively, you can email them to make an appointment.

Wow, they even offer to book an Auslan interpreter. That's fantastic!

Yes, they do. They'll try to meet your communication preferences. If you prefer English, you can chat online, or you can request an Auslan interpreter.

That's awesome! But I can see my class is back so I'd better go.

Yeah, same here. See you at lunchtime!
