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Better mobile connectivity for Lucas

Better mobile connectivity for Lucas

[Connecting Victoria / Victoria State Government]

[Text: With more than 1,200 mobile and more than 180 broadband projects, we're fast-tracking better connectivity in communities like Victoria. Communities like Lucas.]

[Vision: Overhead view of houses in Lucas / cars driving on main road / man walking past the front of Lucas Community Hub / close-up of strawberries growing in community garden]

[Text: Melinda Sands - Owner, Own Your Game Fitness]


We see people from all walks of life in Lucas, and it is a very tight knit community. We know people on a first name basis.The Internet and mobile coverage in Lucas is a fairly well known problem

[Vision: View of local shops, showing cars parked in car park and customers leaving with shopping bag]

So just little things like the eftpos machine dropping out, wi-fi not being available for our members. We have an app that we would love our members to be able to download and use to stay connected to us.

[Text: Adrienne Holobowski - Regional Engagement Manager, Telstra]


Digital inclusion is a really important part of our community and the demand for mobile connectivity in our day-to-day lives just continues to grow so it's really important that we continue to invest in regional and remote Australia.

[Vision: Overhead shot of mobile phone tower, paddocks and main roads]

Telstra's partnering with the Victorian State Government and Connecting Victoria to help deliver new and improved mobile connectivity throughout regional Victoria.

[Vision: Close shot of mobile phone tower]

So sites such as Lucas, it's really important that we can provide the right level of coverage and capacity to the community for them to be able to carry out their day-to-day lives

[Vision: Mobile phone tower at a distance, with Lucas town in the background]

It's access to things like studying online, education and wellbeing as well. So telehealth services and entertainment and social connections.

[Vision: Outside of Own Your Game fitness]

From a business perspective, it's really about access to the digital economy and being able to run the business in a functional way and efficient way.

[Vision: Close up of sign of Own Your Game fitness / showing Melinda from behind, looking on the Own Your Game website]


I literally walked into my business last week and the first thing I said was, my phone works, which is something I've not been able to say since we've been here.

[Vision: Woman doing weighed squats in gym / legs of other gym users walking on trendmill]

People actually do need each other and need to be able to chat to each other and feel included, feel a part of something greater than themselves. We’re really big on that and that connectivity with our members and then with each other.

[Connecting Victoria / Victoria State Government. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne]
