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FamilyViolence Health, Safety and Wellbeing Pilot Program showcase - MASP

0:00 Kirsten: -services as well. Renee, can you share your screen?

0:06 Renee: Sure can.

0:07 Kirsten: Perfect, thank you. Okay. Great. Looks fabulous.  We can all see it. Perfect. Take it away.

0:25 Renee: Perfect. So, I work, as Kirsten said, at MASP up in Mildura, and we have a team of about 16 people who participated in this program. We sit across many different sites, so we have three different locations. So being a team leader over all of that stuff is quite challenging. That has brought some hard stuff for us. So one of the things that we wanted to do was allow people to have some input into what they felt that their self-care needs were.

[On-screen text: MASP Wellbeing Program]

1:04 Renee: So, what we did is we came up with a Bingo card. This is essentially a card that people can spend a little bit of time, like five minutes at a time, to get up, move away from their desks, and actually get some self-care started and occurring. This has worked really well for our team, so we also added an incentive to it. We decided that if you got a bingo, we’d treat you for a cup of coffee. So that was something nice that the whole team could get involved with and sort of get through.  

[On-screen text: Bingo Card

R&R Bingo Complete your BINGO Card each week to ensure you are getting enough rest & recovery!]

1:45 Renee: Some of the things that we found along the way was that we'd already been doing a lot of self-care, so we already had things like our Power Hour built in. We had models of care for our agency that were being implemented across the thing, but we didn't have anything specific for people who were sitting in the orange door who could actually just get away from their desks. So one of the things that we really struggled with was the fact that we have so many time pressures and that we are forced to remain sort of desk bound. We wanted to focus on the health aspect of the PERMA model, so we really wanted to get people up and moving away from their desks and that they weren't actually just sitting there constantly and just sort of bogged down in work. We took a lot of the time in our power hours to actually get the voices of everyone. We had Kirsten come in and actually join  us to help work out what that was going to look like and what people were actually  wanting, because as much as leaders model and guide people around this stuff, we actually  wanted the team to take some initiative and have some part in this as well, because  we can't always be around for everybody, but we can actually be there to do those little  five minute check-ins every now and then. What did we learn? Well, we learned that the whole team needed to take more time out and needed to move away from their desks. They also needed to have more of that... I've got a blank. Sorry. We've also found that leaders needed to drive the model of this. So as leaders ourselves, we focused a lot more on ensuring that our self-care was being taken into account and we were then leading and feeding that out to the rest of the guys. So, finding different things that would fit in with the bingo cards that would help to encourage others to then keep going and taking that on. After all of that, we found that this is going to roll out quite well to the rest of the agency because then it's something little and small that can contribute into the daily lives of everybody. I think this has been a great program for all of us to participate in. One of the biggest things that I've taken out of it is that,

[On-screen text: Findings during the journey

What went well

Reframing self care – 5 minutes

Power hour – already had an hour a month set out for self care and team building

Model of Care – starting to look into self care for staff

Multiple location – Staff sitting over 3 different offices

What struggles we faced


Time Pressures for staff

Difference in staffing personalities and the types of wellbeing that each person felt comfortable doing.

Staff had limited support from the agency, it wasn’t something that MASP focused

What did we learn

The team needs to have to take more time out to reset

Leaders need to drive the model of self care

As an agency not enough focus was going towards self care

Staff had a voice within the development]

4:28 Renee: and I found this quote that is actually quite great. It's "Self care is not a waste of time. Self care makes your use of time more sustainable." So, we've found that people are a whole lot more productive in the time that they are sitting down and doing their work, and then they get to get up and have those breaks. So that way it's creating that nice little balance.  And that's it. That's what I've got.

[On-screen text: Self-care is not a waste of time; Self-care makes your use of time more sustainable – Jackie Viramontez]

4:52 Kirsten: That's awesome. Thank you so much, Renee. Everyone give Renee a round of applause. That was fantastic. And if you have any comments for Renee, you can pop them into the chat. I can see them coming through as well. And thanks for sharing what your challenges and struggles were throughout that project, because I think they resonate with all of us as we went through the last eight to 12 months. There were a number of challenges that we faced, and I think the number one thing so far, which comes through loud and clear, Renee, is the time factor. So, thank you all.

[On-screen text: Thank you

Overall, we are looking forward to continuing to with helping our staffing group to support their wellbeing ongoing.]

[End of transcript]
