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SDER Executive Summary

A campfire is a place where
everyone has a spot to sit,

to listen, share and connect.

It is a place for storytelling,
learning and deep listening.

Throughout 2022, over
3000 people participated

in more than 180 Campfire
Conversations hosted by schools,

Aboriginal Community
Controlled Organisations

and the Department of Education

to discuss
Aboriginal self-determination.

The conceptual framework

what we heard
in these conversations

and frames a holistic approach
to improving

learning and wellbeing outcomes
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

learners through
greater self-determination.

The student is
at the center of our work.

The coolamon represents
how their self-determination

is strengthened

by the core connection students
bring with them

to their education, family,
community, culture,

identity and their
sense of belonging.

We heard how they must be
nourished and protected

by the system.

The strengthening factors, represented
through the gum leaves

are the influences
that impact a student’s

learning and wellbeing.

We heard how these factors
nourish and protect

the students core connections,
including through professional

learning to support teachers
with deeper understandings

of culture, racism and trauma.

Open communication
that is ongoing,

and not just in times of crisis.

Teacher practice that is
culturally safe and empowering.

School leadership
that prioritises

and demonstrates accountability
to self-determination.

Access to support services
that are culturally safe

and responsive to community’s

Strengthening connectedness
between students,

and the wider school community.

A school environment
that is welcoming and inclusive

of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people.

A curriculum
where all Victorians

can celebrate the rich cultures
and histories

of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander communities,

and strong supported transitions
from the early years

through to further
education and employment.

Six reform directions outline

the priority areas for building

across the system.

reciprocal partnerships

that foster truth-telling and center

00:02:21:07 - 00:02:23:18
Aboriginal voice in decision making

will support
the ongoing capacity building

and meaningful
accountability of the Department

in creating a culturally safe
and responsive school system.

The Department will continue
to work with communities

in the co-design
and implementation of reforms

to strengthen
the self-determination

of our students and families

now, and for
the generations yet to come.
