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Jillian Burt, 50 Years of Service

Child 1: What can you tell us about Mrs. Burt?

Child 2: She’s a really supportive principal and always there for us and guides us. She's a jewel in the crown.

Jillian Burt: My name is Jillian Burt, and I've been teaching and principal for the last 50 years.

I loved teaching. It's what I always wanted to do. And I don't think the last teaching position I had I ever thought this will be the last time I will be in a classroom.

It was just I started acting in the role. But I have been here 20 years as a principal and before that ten years of teaching at the school.

My assistant principal, Lisa and I have been here together as principal and AP for 20 years.

So I've had a incredibly close association and seen many students and many teachers go through the school.

But I worked really hard to achieve what I have achieved, and I am proud of having that opportunity to work in state education for such a period of time.

I was very fortunate to be going to a school in Geelong, it was Highton Primary School.

At that time, it was virtually in the bush at the back part of Highton.

I was really nervous going down there, and I went and had a look at the school and it was a beautiful little school.

I got into the classroom I had no idea what I was doing. The students and the support were just wonderful.

And some of those, I remember every student I taught in that first year. Over the period of time that's not the case now, but they were just a special group of students.

And I think that excitement of having your own grade and think, I can practice this, I'm not going to have anyone watching or marking or checking on me was just outstanding.

And I think right from the start I really loved children, I really enjoyed teaching.

But 50 years on, I can't believe how quickly that time has gone.

I know I spoke to the school captains and said that I was being recognised for 50 years and they said, my parents are not even that old.

But time does go so quickly and it's been such a rewarding role and position.

Child 1: She's really amazing principal, supportive.

Child 3: Sometimes she comes in our classroom or sometimes when we're out for recess she comes out in the yard, and then we talk to her.

Jillian Burt: I am at the position I'm at now because of the collegiate support I've had. I had wonderful principals in my years here and I had never aspired to be a principal myself. But I think I was encouraged, given the chance. I know the first day I acted, I think I never want to do this, but definitely the support of regional staff, definitely the support of colleagues and of the staff.

I have been so fortunate to work with the most amazing staff in every school that I've been with.

I think you always look back and there’s students that have achieved outstanding results and you look at ones that have become doctors, the ones who become the lawyers, but sometimes it's the students that you've worried about that you catch up with.

In the last couple of weeks, someone spoke to me that they're working at a paint shop in Ballarat and how they were really proud of what they'd done.

And those stories kind of make you feel really good, oh, you have made that difference.

Child 3 and Child 4: Congratulations on 50 years.

Child 1 and Child 2: Congratulations on 50 years.
