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Multicultural Seniors Support Program

Multicultural seniors’ groups can access grants of $2,000 per year over the period 2021-25. These grants are provided to support their members and build stronger community connections.

Multicultural Seniors Support Program

Who can apply:
Not-for-profit groups
$0 - $8,000

We are no longer accepting new funding applications. If you have any questions regarding an application you have already submitted, please email us.

About the program

Victoria’s multicultural seniors’ groups can receive financial help through the Multicultural Seniors Support (MSS) 2021–25 program. Funding supports activities to benefit their members and build stronger community connections.

Funding can be used for:

  • social and cultural activities
  • improving seniors’ digital accessibility and literacy
  • providing practical support
  • purchasing essential equipment and resources
  • running costs.

Grant recipients will also receive Public Liability Insurance (PLI) and Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance.

Funding available

Grants of $2,000 available each financial year, up to $8,000 per organisation.

Applications have now closed.

Who can apply?

Multicultural seniors’ groups who have:

  • not received funding through the program
  • only been set up recently.

Program guidelines

The program guidelines include information about eligible organisations and activities, funding streams and the application and assessment process. Please read the program guidelines and FAQs below before you apply.

