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Psychological First Aid - Supporting People Affected by Disaster in Australia

Overview of best practice approaches to psychological first aid following disasters and traumatic events.


Resource details
Title Psychological First Aid:
Supporting People Affected
by Disaster in Australia
Owner Australian Red Cross
Date last updated 2013
Resource type Handbook

What is this about?

This guide provides an overview of best practice in psychological first aid following disasters and traumatic events and outlines how psychological first aid can be operationalised in Australia.

Who is this resource for?

  • Community Service Organisations
  • Non Government Organisations
  • Community Recovery Committees

Table of contents

Psychosocial reactions to crisis situations

  • Common reactions
  • Complex reactions

Understanding psychological first aid

  • What is psychological first aid?
  • What psychological first aid isn’t
  • The aim of psychological first aid
  • Five elements of psychosocial support

Providing psychological first aid

  • Who benefits from psychological first aid?
  • Who delivers psychological first aid?
  • Where is psychological first aid given?
  • When do you provide psychological first aid?
  • Psychological first aid action principles
  • Preparing to provide psychological first aid in the field

Psychological first aid for children

  • Additional guidance for supporting children

Psychological first aid for people with physical or mental health conditions or intellectual disabilities

Self care for people working in the field

  • Reducing stress
  • Look, Listen, Link for self care
  • Supporting your colleagues
