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School Crossing Supervisor Program

Victoria has a long history of treating the safety of our school children as a top priority, dating back to 1975 when the School Crossing Supervisor Program was put into place in partnership with State and Local governments.

The School Crossing Supervisor Program model is in line with the Road Management Act 2004 and the Transport Integration Act 2010 which outline that road safety is a joint responsibility of State and Local government.

Under the model, each local government operates the program within their boundaries while the Victorian Government provides a subsidy to local government and are responsible for the overarching program.

2024-25 State budget funding announcement

In the recent 2024/25 State Budget, $57.379 million was allocated for two years for the School Crossing Supervisor Program. This funding supports the Victorian Government’s commitment to meet the 50 per cent state contribution to the Program.

School Crossing Risk Assessment Framework

In 2019, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) launched a review to develop a more rigorous safe-system approach to assessing school crossings and identifying suitable treatment options. This resulted in the formulation of the School Crossing Risk Assessment Framework (the Framework).

The Framework is methodology for assessing risks at school crossings and identifying crossing treatment solutions tailored to the site. The Framework involves assessing school crossings, using a broader range of road safety safe system factors including:

  • vehicle and pedestrian volumes,
  • sight distance and visibility,
  • road configuration,
  • driver and pedestrian behaviour,
  • types of vehicles,
  • exiting infrastructure
  • surrounding speed zones and
  • considers whether alternative safety measures and treatments should be implemented.

The Framework is ready to be used for data collection and will be used to progressively assess all crossing sites over the next two years. A transition plan will be developed in partnership with the School Crossing Reference Group for considering the replacement of the current warrants with the Framework assessments.

Interim Guidelines

The VicRoads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 10 (2009) which includes the Interim School Crossing Supervision Guidelines has been updated.

School Crossing Supervisor Subsidy interim guidelines
PDF 146.26 KB
(opens in a new window)
Supplement to AS 1742.10:2009 Manual of uniform traffic control devices Part 10: Pedestrian control and protection
PDF 2.78 MB
(opens in a new window)

The interim guidelines include the use of the Framework as well as the current program warrants to be used for assessing eligibility for supervisor subsidy until the Framework is fully migrated to be the only assessment method for determining subsidy eligibility.

A transition plan will be developed in partnership with local government via the School Crossing Reference group.

School Crossing Reference Group

To further understand opportunities for the School Crossing Supervisor Program and crossing safety, DTP together with Local Government Victoria (LGV) established a School Crossing Reference Group in late 2023.

Through an expressions of interest process, a selection of metropolitan and regional/rural council representatives joined the Reference Group.

The Reference Group has had two meetings since its inception and insights provided to date have been invaluable in understanding further opportunities for the Program.

Further meetings have been scheduled in July and October 2024.

School Crossing Infrastructure Package

We will shortly be in contact with all councils seeking expressions of interest for an upcoming road infrastructure program.

The Safe Crossing Infrastructure for Schools Program aims to identify and mitigate pedestrian risk of school-aged pedestrians in accordance with Safe System principles across Victoria.

Updates and further information about the Program, the Framework and Reference Group will be posted here regularly.

A survey was undertaken in the Strathbogie Shire community to find out how parents, carers and their children use and experience the school crossings in their area. Read more about it below.


If you would like further information, contact the Road Safety partnerships team at
