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Employers in the disability sector

Resources to help organisations to employ, support and retain disability support workers.

Looking for information on employment opportunities for people with disability? Visit the Job Access website.

The Victorian disability sector needs to grow to respond to new demands presented by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

For employers, finding enough workers with the values and skills they are seeking can be difficult. There are several resources available to help employers find, recruit, train and retain disability workers.

Jobs Victoria

Jobs Victoria provides an efficient and free service to help businesses advertise job opportunities to find and keep the right workers.

To connect with a diverse group of skilled individuals who are interested in a career in disability, consider signing up to Jobs Victoria.

Follow the steps below to sign-up to Jobs Victoria.

  1. Sign up: register at
  2. Confirm: we will contact you to confirm the job opportunities you have available and help set up your account.
  3. Advertise: your jobs will be advertised to jobseekers registered with Jobs Victoria.
  4. Connect: match with local candidates with relevant skills and experience.

Register as an employer on Jobs Victoria

Jobs Victoria Fund

You may be eligible to apply to the Jobs Victoria Fund for a wage subsidy of up to $20,000 to employ someone affected by the economic impacts of the pandemic. Visit Jobs Victoria for more information about eligibility and applications.

If you need any help or support in using the Jobs Victoria platform you can call Jobs Victoria on 1300 208 575, Monday to Friday 9am–5pm.

NDS Workforce Hub

National Disability Services (NDS) is the peak body for non-government disability service organisations in Australia.

Visit the NDS Workforce Hub to access disability workforce resources.

Visit the NDS Workforce Hub

Innovation in the disability workforce

The disability sector is experiencing increased demand for high-quality, personalised support for people with disability. New and innovative ways of working are often needed.

The Victorian Government delivered the Victorian Regional Readiness Fund (VRRF), a grant program to assist regional organisations to trial new and innovative ways to provide services.

Twelve projects received grants to put their ideas into action. The projects are designed to:

  • provide disability services in new ways
  • attract new workers to the sector
  • increase the skills of the workforce.

The VRRF has now closed, but you can find out more about the projects and their outcomes on the VRRF web page.

Visit the Victorian Regional Readiness Fund web page

NDIS workforce longitudinal research study

We undertook a study of the Victorian disability workforce to understand their experience of transition to the NDIS. We surveyed over 700 workers in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Find out how disability workers are feeling about their jobs, the NDIS and the sector. Discover how the Victorian Government is responding to the study results.

Visit the NDIS workforce longitudinal study web page


Keeping our sector strong

This is an initiative of the Keeping our sector strong – Victoria’s workforce plan for the NDIS.