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How vocational education and training fits into Year 11 and 12

All you need to know about VET, the skills you’ll get, and where it can take you.

About VET

Vocational education training (VET) is specific industry learning.

The skills you learn in VET can be applied in the workplace or as you keep studying towards a trade or qualification.

You can add VET to your studies while you're in Year 11 or 12. Some schools let students start VET in Year 10.

VET can be included in your:

Depending on the VET course, you’ll either study at your school or at a nearby TAFE/training provider.

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Where it can take you

VET helps you get started on your career path while you’re still at school.

It gives you practical skills in an industry you are interested in, which improves your employability.

VET also gives you credit towards completion of your VCE (which could be the VCE VM) or VPC.

Some VET programs provide a score that contributes to your ATAR, if you're eligible for one. A student who achieves a Unit 3–4 sequence from a non-scored VCE VET program may be eligible for an increment towards their ATAR.

Earn and learn with an SBAT

Some VET options are available as a paid school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) while you do the VCE, VCE VM or VPC.

This option allows you to learn on-the-job as a part-time employee, while earning a training wage and working alongside qualified professionals. Many SBAT students continue employment as a full-time apprentice or trainee after finishing year 12.

To find out more about this option, visit School-based apprenticeships and traineeships.

Your VET options

More and more schools are offering VET in the priority pathways listed below. Check with your school’s careers counsellor to find out what options are available at your school.

Some of the certificates listed below have scored pathways available and Unit 3 and 4 sequences available. VET options where these apply have been marked with:

- Scored pathways available = *

- Unit 3 and 4 sequences available = +


  • Certificate II in Health Support Service
  • Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (partial completion)
  • Certificate III in Health Services Assistance *+

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Health program.

Community Services and Early Childhood Education

  • Certificate II in Active Volunteering
  • Certificate II in Community Services
  • Certificate III in Community Services *+
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (partial completion) +
  • Certificate II in Applied Language
  • Certificate III in Applied Language +

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Community Services or Applied Language programs.

Building and Construction

  • Certificate II in Construction Pathways +
  • Certificate II in Building and Construction Pre-apprenticeship +
  • Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship) +
  • Certificate II in Civil Construction +

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Building and Construction, Plumbing or Civil Infrastructure programs.

Digital Media and Technologies


  • Certificate II in Hospitality *+
  • Certificate II in Cookery (previously Certificate II in Kitchen Operations) *+

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Hospitality program.

Clean Energy and Engineering

  • Certificate II in Engineering Studies *+
  • Certificate III in Laboratory Skills *+
  • Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) +
  • Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational) +
  • Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Engineering, Electrical Industry or Laboratory Skills programs.


  • Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation +

    This certificate is in the VCE VET Automotive program.

Agriculture and Environment

Hair and Beauty

  • Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant
  • Certificate III in Beauty Services +
  • Certificate III in Make-Up +

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Hair and Beauty program.

Creative Industries

  • Certificate II in Creative Industries
  • Certificate III in Screen and Media *+
  • Certificate II in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles (previously Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology) +
  • Certificate II in Music
  • Certificate III in Music (Performance) *+
  • Certificate III in Music (Sound Production) *+
  • Certificate II in Dance
  • Certificate III in Dance *+

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Creative and Digital Media, Applied Fashion Design and Technology, Dance or Music programs.

Sport and Recreation

  • Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation
  • Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
  • Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation *+

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Sport and Recreation program.


  • Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • Certificate III in Business *+
  • Certificate II in Small Business (Operations/Innovation) +

    These certificates are in the VCE VET Business or Small Business programs.

More information

Talk to your school’s careers counsellor to find out which of these options might be best for you.

To find out more about VET, visit the VCAA's website.

To find out more about where VET can take you and hear from other students who have completed it, visit VET Champions.
