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Published by:
Department of Premier and Cabinet
2 Sept 2020

Media advertising expenditure

The Victorian Government purchases media through the whole of Victorian Government Master Agency Media Services (MAMS) state purchase contract.

The MAMS contract covers media planning and buying on behalf of government and is managed by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

Victorian public sector organisations that used the MAMS contract during 2018–19 qualified for significantly discounted government media rates. These included:

  • all Victorian Government departments
  • public bodies (which include, but are not limited to, statutory authorities, public entities, special bodies and other users). Examples include the Transport Accident Commission, Visit Victoria, WorkSafe Victoria and TAFE institutions.

For more information about the MAMS contract visit the MAMS page on the Victorian Government ‘Buying For Victoria’ website.

Reporting requirements for Victorian Government advertising

Each year, Victorian Government departments and public bodies publish information within their annual reports about their expenditure on major advertising campaigns, in accordance with the relevant Financial Reporting Direction.[1]

For 2018–19, this means departments and public bodies must report the following details for each advertising campaign with a total advertising buy of $100,000 or greater (exclusive of GST):

  • the name of the advertising campaign
  • the start and end date of the campaign
  • a campaign summary
  • details of campaign expenditure for the reporting period (exclusive of GST).

[1] For 2018–19, the relevant Financial Reporting Direction was FRD 22H Standard disclosures in the Report of Operations (May 2017).

Advertising campaigns included in this report

This summary report includes a short description of each major government campaign reported for 2018–19 and a breakdown of the expenditure for each. Campaign expenditure is broken down by:

  • Advertising media expenditure – expenditure arranged through the Victorian Government’s MAMS media purchasing contract
  • Creative and campaign development expenditure – including advertising agency costs, creative development and production costs
  • Research and evaluation expenditure – including formative research, concept testing, benchmarking and tracking research, evaluation research and analysis
  • Print and collateral expenditure – includes design, printing, production, postage, distribution and warehousing costs
  • Other campaign expenditure – activity not included in the above categories.

Note that this report includes details of major government advertising campaigns for 2018–19. For an overview of all Victorian Government media advertising expenditure, including recruitment and functional advertising, refer to the Victorian Government Advertising Report 2018–19 at

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser A-C

Australian Grand Prix Corporation – 2019 Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix


Campaign supporting the 2019 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix held at Albert Park on 17 March 2019. Campaign included television in capital cities and regional, print, magazine, radio and outdoor and digital web advertising.


October 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,967,000
Creative and campaign development 331,000
Research and evaluation 74,000
Print and collateral 21,000
Other campaign costs 74,000

Australian Grand Prix Corporation – 2018 Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix


Campaign supporting the 2018 Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix held at Phillip Island on 28 October 2018. Campaign included television in capital cities and regional, print, magazine, radio and outdoor and digital web advertising.


July – October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 422,000
Creative and campaign development 196,000
Research and evaluation 14,000
Print and collateral 21,000
Other campaign costs 48,000

Bendigo Kangan Institute – 2018 semester 2 advertising


Campaign to meet student enrolments and student retention goals for semester 2, 2018. The campaign also aimed to boost awareness of the Kangan Institute and Bendigo TAFE brands.


1 April 2018 – 31 July 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 397,049
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

* Bendigo Kangan Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Bendigo Kangan Institute – Always On Radio Campaign


Acquisition campaign designed to drive 2018 enrolments for all courses via radio.


1 January – 31 December 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 522,655
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

* Bendigo Kangan Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Bendigo Kangan Institute – Always On Digital Campaign


Acquisition campaign designed to drive 2018 enrolments for all courses via digital channels.


1 January – 31 December 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 541,500
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

* Bendigo Kangan Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Box Hill Institute – mid-year campaign


Campaign to recruit students via direct entry.


April – July 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 110,558
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 605
Other campaign costs 0

* Box Hill Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Chisholm Institute – mid-year recruitment


Integrated acquisition campaign for 2018 mid-year enrolment.


April – July 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 705,816
Creative and campaign development 179,118
Research and evaluation 13,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

* Chisholm Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Chisholm Institute – Chase Your Calling - January 2019 recruitment


Main acquisition campaign for 2019 student enrolment executed across television, cinema, out of home, radio, print and digital channels.


November – December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,029,511
Creative and campaign development 408,768
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser D

Department of Education and Training – Free TAFE


A campaign to motivate and encourage prospective students to enrol in free TAFE courses and communicate the breadth and depth of TAFE offering.


29 July – 21 October 2018

14 April 2019 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,269,422
Creative and campaign development 129,731
Research and evaluation 16,500
Print and collateral 13,363
Other campaign costs 122,322

Department of Education and Training – Never Leave Kids in Cars


Campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of leaving children unattended in cars on hot days, and the speed the temperature doubles inside a parked car. Campaign conducted in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, Ambulance Victoria and Kidsafe.


2 December 2018 – February 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 188,312
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 16,363

Department of Education and Training – Our Fair Share


Raised Victorian public awareness and understanding of a Commonwealth funding deal which meant Victorian public schools would miss out on $500 million in federal funding every year.


24 February – 25 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 427,874
Creative and campaign development 169,311
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 4,190

Department of Education and Training – Public School. Our School


This promoted Victorian government schools as great places to study and work, aimed at parents and carers and those interested in a teaching career.


27 August 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,358,349
Creative and campaign development 749,934
Research and evaluation 20,000
Print and collateral 43,826
Other campaign costs 125,114

Department of Education and Training – TAFE Will Take You There


This campaign aims promote the state’s TAFE network under one united brand and promotes TAFE Victoria as a provider of courses that help Victorians get real jobs.


4 November – 16 December 2018

30 December 2018 – 24 February 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 940,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Education and Training – Tech Schools


Victoria’s 10 tech schools opened their doors to the community during Education Week 2019. The campaign aimed to inform the public about tech schools and encourage people to attend their open days.


13 – 31 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 139,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 10,000
Other campaign costs 30,000

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Planned Burns


A public safety campaign that runs yearly to advise communities of planned burns in their areas.


September 2018 – March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 281,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Power Saving Bonus


Campaign promoting a government incentive to use the Victorian energy compare energy comparison site to find the best energy deal on the market


January – February 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,500,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Take Charge: Victorian Energy Compare


External communications campaign focused on informing Victorians about the Victorian Energy Compare website so they can compare energy prices and find the best deal for them. The campaign included television, radio, print and social media advertising.


22 January – July 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 550,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma


This public health and safety campaign was developed in response to recommendations identified in the Inspector-General of Emergency Management’s ‘Review of response to the thunderstorm asthma event of 21-22 November 2016’.


15 September – 31 December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 196,596
Creative and campaign development 49,789
Research and evaluation 32,063
Print and collateral 35,127
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Kilojoules on the Menu


This is the second year this campaign has run and it supports the implementation of the Food Amendment (Kilojoule Labelling Scheme and Other Matters) Act 2017 by raising awareness of kilojoule labelling and encouraging Victorians to make better informed, healthier food choices.


1 May – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 161,641
Creative and campaign development 7,815
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Our Fair Share


Campaign to build awareness of a significant Commonwealth health funding shortfall and to advocate for Victoria’s position for appropriate and equitable health funding


April – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 400,000
Creative and campaign development 126,826
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 4,190
Other campaign costs 454

Department of Health and Human Services – SafeScript


Campaign to promote community awareness of the SafeScript real-time prescription monitoring system ahead of its statewide roll-out in April 2019


1 September – 3 November 2018 and 3 March – 4 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 802,200
Creative and campaign development 42,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 45,000
Other campaign costs 18,000

Department of Health and Human Services – Save Lives, Save 000 for Emergencies


Campaign to remind Victorians to save Triple Zero for emergencies and promote a range of other health services as options for non-life-threatening situations.


19 August – 25 October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 884,215
Creative and campaign development 270,500
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Seasonal Influenza


Campaign to prepare Victorians for the 2019 flu season by raising broad awareness of the risks of influenza, particularly among those most at risk of complications, and the protective steps available, including immunisation.


Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 717,154
Creative and campaign development 30,872
Research and evaluation 50,000
Print and collateral 39,250
Other campaign costs 104,537

Department of Health and Human Services – Supercare Pharmacies


Campaign to raise awareness of the scale and scope of services offered by Supercare Pharmacies throughout Victoria.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 267,544
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Survive the Heat 2018–19


Campaign to ensure the community understands the risks of extreme heat to their health and how to manage these risks appropriately.


10 December 2018 – 31 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 530,760
Creative and campaign development 16,521
Research and evaluation 26,400
Print and collateral 12,905
Other campaign costs 5,000

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Made in Victoria Campaign


Campaign to raise awareness of Victoria’s capabilities in manufacturing, designing and making local products. Aiming to instil pride amongst Victorians by asking them to support Victorian businesses by buying Victorian products, helping create local jobs and build strong and vibrant communities.


20 July – 30 November 2017

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 403,044
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Regional Development Victoria – Ready When You Are


Campaign to continue Victorian Government’s promotion of regional Victoria as an ideal relocation destination for Melburnians.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 100,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Regional Development Victoria – Ready When You Are: Regional Jobs


An extension of the Ready When You Are campaign, the regional jobs campaign amplified the jobs message in regional Victoria. This campaign created awareness of job opportunities that are being created and currently exist.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 150,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Small Business Victoria – Year Long Engagement


Campaign to boost engagement and service participation of the Business Victoria website and its related digital channels.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 120,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Victoria: The State of Defence Excellence


To increase awareness of Victoria’s defence industry and capabilities by positioning Victoria as a state of defence industry excellence and leverage high profile defence events.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 236,895
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Justice and Regulation – Play it Safe by the Water 2018–19 campaign


Play it Safe by the Water is a public education and awareness program aimed at increasing safety around water and reducing the number of drowning incidents in Victoria. of the risks posed by water among select target audiences, in partnership with aquatic and partner agencies. This year’s campaign targeted Victorian parents/carers of children aged 0–4 years old, and older Victorians aged 55 years and over.


17 December 2017 – 28 April 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 711,358
Creative and campaign development 174,226
Research and evaluation 86,182
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 11,135

Department of Justice and Regulation – Summer Fire campaign 2018–19


The Summer Fire campaign is an annual Victorian bush and grassfire awareness campaign that aims to improve community understanding of fire and fire risk, encourage Victorians to take responsibility for their own safety and prompt people to leave early to minimise injury and loss of life due to fire. The campaign was run at three different stages of the bushfire season.


7 - 14 October 2018, 11 November 2018 – 28 February 2019 and March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 4,045,127
Creative and campaign development 556,969
Research and evaluation 364,536
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 273,256

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Deadly Questions Treaty Communications


A multi-year campaign aiming to build greater understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people by discussing history and sharing the strength and vibrancy of Aboriginal cultures to raise awareness and support for the path to treaty.


July 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,904,000
Creative and campaign development 413,000
Research and evaluation 110,000
Print and collateral 74,000
Other campaign costs 184,000

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Pick My Project


Campaign to encourage Victorians to engage with the Pick My Project initiative and apply for project funding to benefit their local community.


July – September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 235,000
Creative and campaign development 352,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 8,000
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Victorian. And proud of it


Designed to initiate a conversation about Victoria’s shared values through the themes of contribution and belonging, emphasising that what holds us together as a community are our shared values, in addition to our diversity.


August 2018 – March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 108,000
Creative and campaign development 531,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Victorian Labour Hire Licensing Scheme


Promoted and informed labour hire providers and host employers of the Labour Hire Licensing Authority and the Victorian Labour Hire Licensing Scheme, which commenced on 29 April 2019, to encourage licensing and compliance.


July – September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 280,000
Creative and campaign development 110,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Fair Share Campaign


Campaign advocating that Victorians get the funding they deserve for the projects they need the most.


21 April – 28 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 399,931
Creative and campaign development 172,508
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Level Crossing Removal Project


Campaign to inform Melbourne’s travelling community, residents and businesses about disruptions associated with the level crossing removal works. Key messaging enables people to make informed travel plans to ensure they can get to where they need to go as quickly and as efficiently as possible whilst these works are undertaken.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,314,145
Creative and campaign development 48,743
Research and evaluation 34,030
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Metro Tunnel


Campaign to increase awareness and understanding of the Metro Tunnel Project works and benefits, as well as specific disruption works and periods. The call to action encourages people to seek more information and plan extra time for their journey.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 834,007
Creative and campaign development 235,950
Research and evaluation 37,140
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – MTIA Graduate Program


Campaign to promote a centralised graduate program developed in 2019 to support the future generation of Victoria’s communications, engineers, human resources and environmental experts. The campaign highlights the scale of employment opportunities available for young graduates in a growing infrastructure industry.


4 – 29 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 125,495
Creative and campaign development 16,040
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0


Promotion of a North East Link design update, sharing how community and stakeholder feedback helped shape the updated design and further opportunities to provide feedback.


August - September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 422,503
Creative and campaign development 15,753
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 118,395
Other campaign costs 0


Promotion of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) extended exhibition period and to invite communities and stakeholders to read the technical studies, talk to specialists at community drop-in sessions and to encourage submissions to the independent panel process. Statutory and additional newspaper advertising targeted local and CALD communities in the project corridor as well as a social media campaign and radio advertising.


April – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 198,324
Creative and campaign development 20,686
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 173,876
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Streamlining Hoddle Street: More Go Time


Campaign to inform and educate Victorian road users about Melbourne’s first Continuous Flow Intersection being built at Swan Street and Punt Road.


24 February – 30 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 389,138
Creative and campaign development 76,600
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 6,861
Other campaign costs 4,400

Department of Transport – Victoria’s Big Build


Campaign to deliver coordinated messaging to Victorians relating to disruptions associated with major transport infrastructure projects through a centralised phone number and website. The campaign highlights the scope and magnitude of current and future infrastructure projects. The website also provides a jobs portal, promoting employment opportunities across all projects.


30 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,767,410
Creative and campaign development 482,144
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 3,577
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – West Gate Tunnel: Get Moving Again


To increase awareness and inform motorists and communities of the West Gate Tunnel Project construction and associated traffic disruptions. The campaign used TV, radio, social media and print in both metro and regional areas to provide information about the project.


1 September 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,907,668
Creative and campaign development 165,027
Research and evaluation 29,500
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Development Victoria – Alfie (Altona North)


Alfie is a townhouse development in Altona North. Marketing activity, including advertising, was undertaken to drive property sales.


July 2018 – continuing into 2019–20

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 129,915
Creative and campaign development 657,114
Research and evaluation Incl in creative and campaign development
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Development Victoria – Riverwalk Werribee


Riverwalk is a land development in Werribee. Marketing activity, including advertising, was undertaken to drive property sales.


July 2018 – continuing into 2019-20

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 155,178
Creative and campaign development 578,613
Research and evaluation 2,100
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser E - L

Energy Safe Victoria – Be Sure - Carbon monoxide awareness


Campaign educating Victorians on the dangers of carbon monoxide and encouraging them to take action to reduce their risks.


16-30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 380,000
Creative and campaign development 216,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 3,000

Energy Safe Victoria – Know the Drill before you Grill


Reducing BBQ fires by teaching people BBQ safety and maintenance.


4 November 2018 – 27 January 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 183,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 35,000
Other campaign costs 0

Energy Safe Victoria – Never Work Live / Look Up and Live


Encouraging industry never to work with live electricity and to beware of overhead powerlines.


1 July - 9 September 2018

31 March – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 210,000
Creative and campaign development 166,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 44,000
Other campaign costs 0

Federation Training – 2019 recruitment


Acquisition campaign targeting February 2019 student enrolments.


1 November – 31 December 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 140,199
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

* Federation Training’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year

GOTAFE (Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE) –
Apply Now – 2018 campaign for 2019 Intake


Campaign to raise the profile of GOTAFE and generate awareness of 2019 course offerings.


November – December 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 154,667
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 14,265
Other campaign costs 0

* GOTAFE’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Holmesglen Institute – 2018 mid-year recruitment campaign


‘Learn More, Do More’ recruitment campaign for 2018 executed across strategic outdoor locations, transit, radio, and digital channels.


May to July 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 236,900
Creative and campaign development 29,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 21,000
Other campaign costs 10,000

*Holmesglen Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Holmesglen Institute – 2019 Free TAFE recruitment campaign


Free TAFE recruitment campaign executed across strategic outdoor locations, transit, radio, cinema and digital channels.


August – December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 336,147
Creative and campaign development 38,665
Research and evaluation 8,000
Print and collateral 28,000
Other campaign costs 30,000

Holmesglen Institute – 2018 Open Day campaign


Seven Open Days were held in 2018. The advertising campaign is digitally focused with radio support to drive registrations to events and showcase Holmesglen.


January – December 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 167,215
Creative and campaign development 22,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 6,000
Other campaign costs 8,000

*Holmesglen Institute’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission – ‘Yes, it’s corruption. Yes, I can do something about it’ campaign


Campaign to increase community awareness about public sector corruption, how to report suspected corruption and the legal protections available. The campaign included advertising in metropolitan and regional newspapers, on radio, via digital media and other mediums.


3 – 28 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 630,000
Creative and campaign development 175,298
Research and evaluation 102,264
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 36,113

Launch Victoria – Scale Up Your Career campaign


Campaign seeking to grow the talent pool of people working in the scale-up economy (high growth and innovative tech-based businesses) with a focus on roles that will support their growth such as Sales and Marketing, Product Design and Software Development.


7 January – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 578,000
Creative and campaign development 181,000
Research and evaluation 32,000
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser M - R

Melbourne Polytechnic – 2018 Mid-Year campaign


Brand campaign promoting 2018 mid-year enrolments.


2 April – 31 July 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 759,053
Creative and campaign development 196,912
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

*Melbourne Polytechnic’s annual report covers the 2018 calendar year.

Melbourne Polytechnic – 2018–19 Summer campaign


Brand campaign promoting 2019 student enrolments.


1 November – 31 December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 164,366
Creative and campaign development 317,211
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Melbourne Polytechnic – Open Day campaign


Enrolment and brand campaign to encourage students to attend Open Day.


23 July – 19 August 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 133,650
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Museums Victoria – Revolutions: Records and Rebels


Campaign to drive visitation to Melbourne Museum’s exhibition Revolutions: Records and Rebels.


March 2019 - ongoing*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 301,070
Creative and campaign development 29,415
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 75,836
Other campaign costs 97,653

* Campaign spanned the 2017–18 and 2018–19 financial years.


A world-first presentation of the works of Dutch artist M. C. Escher in dialogue with acclaimed Japanese design studio nendo, the marketing campaign featured targeted print and outdoor advertising, cinema advertising, digital and social media executions.


02 December 2018 – 7 April 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 441,000
Creative and campaign development 23,000
Research and evaluation 30,000
Print and collateral 4,000
Other campaign costs 5,000


In a landmark, city-wide event, MEL&NYC saw unprecedented collaboration between Victoria’s arts and culture community, bringing together more than fifty organisations, institutions, communities, venues and local artists to celebrate Melbourne and New York as major cultural capitals. Running concurrently with MoMA at NGV, the four-month festival was supported by live marketing activations, out-of-home and stadium advertising, radio, print, digital and social media advertising.


1 June 2018 – 30 September 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 298,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 17,000
Other campaign costs 2,000

* Campaign spanned the 2017–18 and 2018–19 financial years.


Presenting more than 200 key works, the exhibition traced the development of art and design from the late nineteenth century to the present day. The marketing campaign was designed to attract local, regional, interstate and international audiences and leveraged media partnerships to amplify coverage.


9 June 2018 – 7 October 2018*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 423,000
Creative and campaign development -
Research and evaluation 21,000
Print and collateral 2,000
Other campaign costs 44,000

* Campaign spanned the 2017–18 and 2018–19 financial years.


The Qin Emperor’s ancient terracotta warriors exhibition was displayed alongside new works by contemporary artist, Cai Guo-Qiang. The marketing campaign targeted diverse local, regional, interstate and international audiences with an emphasis on negotiated media partnerships to maximise advertising reach.


24 May 2019 – 13 October 2019*

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 74,000
Creative and campaign development 5,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 28,000
Other campaign costs 1,000

* Campaign spanned the 2017–18 and 2018–19 financial years.

Public Transport Victoria – Mobile Myki


The campaign introduced Victorians to mobile ticketing technology available on Android devices. The campaign aimed to ensure passengers were aware of the new technology. Secondary objectives focused on the timesaving benefits of Mobile Myki such as ‘topping up on the go’ and checking your balance in real time.


31 March – 22 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 489,353
Creative and campaign development 133,145
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 104,763
Other campaign costs 0

Public Transport Victoria – Safest Way to Cross - Pedestrians


Rail crossing behaviour has been singled out as a key issue lacking in public education and awareness across Victoria. The campaign targeted pedestrians and unsafe behaviour, including texting, daydreaming and using a mobile phone, aiming to reduce the number of incidents (collisions and near misses) that occur near rail crossings.


5 August – 9 September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 251,806
Creative and campaign development 35,400
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 104,763
Other campaign costs 0

Public Transport Victoria – Safety You Can See – Protective Service Officers


This campaign addressed the lack of public awareness of personal safety and security initiatives on public transport. Launched in July 2018, it aimed to educate about the presence and role of Protective Services Officers (PSOs). Secondary messages aimed to improve awareness of key safety infrastructure across the network, such as CCTV and Safety Zones.


27 July – 2 September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 372,479
Creative and campaign development 57,642
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 21,850
Other campaign costs 0

Respect Victoria – Respect Older People: Call It out


Behaviour change campaign aimed at preventing elder abuse by raising awareness of early behaviours and signs of elder abuse with family members and those in close contact, such as carers, healthcare workers and seniors club members.


April – July 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 372,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 50,000
Print and collateral 11,000
Other campaign costs 15,000

Respect Victoria – Respect Women: Call It out


Behaviour change campaign targeting bystanders to intervene when they witness gender inequality and sexual harassment – two drivers that can lead to family violence and particularly violence against women.


April – July 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 863,000
Creative and campaign development 289,000
Research and evaluation 165,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser S - T

Transport Accident Commission – Distracted Driving – If You’re On Your Phone, You’re Driving Blind


A third of Victorians admit to using their phone illegally while driving, and the most common behaviour admitted to is reading texts. The first step towards behaviour change is to overcome drivers’ denial that they are putting themselves, and others, in danger with a two second glance at a text. This campaign launched with TV, radio, online, billboards, cinema and social media.


31 May – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,635,576
Creative and campaign development 1,144,776
Research and evaluation 184,680
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Drowsy Driving – You can't fight sleep


Beyond a certain point, our bodies are not able to fight the chemicals in our bodies that lead to sleep. Entertaining social media films refreshed this campaign over the long weekends in March, April and June.


1 March – 10 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 14,901
Creative and campaign development 107,027
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Drug Driving – More drug tests, more places, more often


Campaign advises the community that police are continually increasing the number of drug tests conducted each year to detect drivers and riders with amphetamines and cannabis in their system. Billboards, TV, radio, regional newspapers and out of home advertising conveyed the unpredictable nature of enforcement by booze/drug buses, unmarked patrol cars and marked motorcycles.


3 March – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,718,137
Creative and campaign development 147,867
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Enforcement – Think of us


This campaign aims to deter deliberately risky behaviour. Police are portrayed as personal guardians who help us make better decisions about our driving in three different scenarios where drivers consider whether to speed, drink-drive and text-drive. A new Christmas-themed commercial reminded us that police do not wish to knock on the doors of our loved ones with bad news.


8 November 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,802,222
Creative and campaign development 291,603
Research and evaluation 56,889
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Infrastructure – Safety Barriers Save Lives


Community interest in seeing a vehicle crash into safety barriers is high, and this campaign responds by showing a vehicle crashing into a safety barrier and explaining how safety barriers work. The campaign ran across TV, cinema, radio, out of home, digital and social media, with a focus on reaching regional communities state-wide.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,707,756
Creative and campaign development 633,609
Research and evaluation 104,665
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Large Format Outdoor Billboards


The TAC's extensive outdoor network provides important 'point of sale' messaging to regional and metropolitan road users at the time it is most relevant to them. Increasingly, new sites with digital capability have been added to TAC's portfolio to enable more efficient changeover of messaging.


July 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 4,214,210
Creative and campaign development (Costs included in campaign production spend)
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Motorcyclist Safety – Driver think rider. Rider think driver


Campaign speaks to drivers about their role in keeping riders safe on our roads. Motorcycles don’t have the protection that cars can offer and so riders must take extra precautions on the road, by wearing protective gear, making themselves visible and riding within their limits. The campaign shares specific instructions to drivers and riders.


7 October – 1 December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,002,528
Creative and campaign development 121,920
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Motorcyclist Safety – Perfect Ride


The campaign targets experienced riders with specific roadcraft messages. Radio, press and billboard media companies provided free spots to the TAC (in addition to paid spots) in response to the loss of riders’ lives over summer. Social media was extensive.


7 February – 23 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 383,405
Creative and campaign development 45,294
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Night Time Practise for Learner Drivers


This new online campaign targets Learners and their parents to promote the TAC’s free online resource known as “DriveSmart”. DriveSmart is an award-winning tool supporting Learners as they progress through the licensing system. Recent changes now require Learners to double their night time practise, up from a minimum of 10 hours to 20 hours.


2 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 109,892
Creative and campaign development 36,640
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Towards Zero – Man on the Street


The emotive “Man on the Street” campaign shows a man being asked for his opinion on an acceptable number of lives to lose each year on our roads. The campaign was updated and re-run in 2018 to provoke the community’s thoughts on the acceptability of road trauma today and to maintain community belief that zero is possible.


2 September – 6 October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 591,172
Creative and campaign development 132,840
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Transport Accident Commission – Vehicle Safety – How safe is your car?


This online campaign conveys that vehicle safety is affordable in used cars under $5,000. Safety features can prevent crashes as well as reducing the forces of impact in a crash. Two segments of the community benefit the most from vehicle safety: younger drivers (due to inexperience) and older drivers (due to our bodies’ vulnerability and fragility).


29 April – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 204,027
Creative and campaign development 32,575
Research and evaluation 42,165
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser V

VicHealth – This Girl Can – Victoria


A state-wide, mass media campaign, including sports sponsorships aimed at increasing physical activity and supporting gender equality. This campaign aims to empower women to be active however, whenever and wherever they want.


2 December 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,000,000
Creative and campaign development 236,000
Research and evaluation 400,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 1,863,000

VicRoads – Motorcycle Safety


A targeted campaign in response to the high motorcyclist road toll seen in 2019. The campaign provides easy access for Victorian motorcyclists to reliable, trusted content so they are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to ride safely in all conditions.


June 2018 – July 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 500,000
Creative and campaign development 200,000
Research and evaluation 80,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VicRoads – Regional Roads Victoria


Public launch campaign to create brand awareness and inform regional road users of Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) as a new division of VicRoads. The campaign focused on promotion of a new hotline enabling rural people to provide direct feedback, and educate on the essential role performed by the rural arterial network in connecting regional Victorians for maximum social and economic prosperity.


December 2017 – January 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 846,000
Creative and campaign development 170,000
Research and evaluation 27,000
Print and collateral 191,000
Other campaign costs 291,000

VicRoads – Share the Road


A public awareness campaign to get people in Victoria sharing the roads respectfully, in keeping with the Towards Zero 2016-2020 Road Safety Strategy. The campaign aims to start influencing behaviour change on our roads across multiple transport modes.


December 2017

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 120,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Building Authority – Carbon Monoxide Training Program


Radio and press activity to support statewide Carbon Monoxide Safety Program to enhance the skills of plumbers who install and service gas heaters and other gas appliances.


29 July 2018 – 1 September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 105,036
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Electoral Commission – State Election 2018


During the 2018 election the Victorian Electoral Commission communicated with electors through advertising, social media, the VEC website, the digital VoterAlert system and the published Election Guide and Easy English Guide to raise awareness around how and where to enrol to vote, the early voting process and how to vote on the day.


1 September – November 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,800,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF) – Help-seeking – continuous digital promotion of help services (digital continuity)


Ongoing digital promotion that allows help-seeking messages to be served continuously via search engine and social media marketing, paid digital display and content advertising, enabling the VRGF to better reach those who need help.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 796,680
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation N/A (research conducted by MediaCom Australia as part of media buy)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – In-venue convenience advertising


Advertising that places responsible gambling and help services messages in the conveniences in or near gaming rooms in almost all venues in Victoria.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 647,521 (print costs included)
Creative and campaign development N/A (included in advertising costs)
Research and evaluation N/A (ongoing quarterly reporting provided)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Early intervention – Reducing harm among moderate-risk gamblers – Effects of gambling


Targeting people who gamble in a risky way to increase awareness about the negative emotional consequences that gambling can cause.


19 May – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,416,810
Creative and campaign development 356,560
Research and evaluation 178,834
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Early intervention – Reducing harm among
low-risk gamblers, Gambling Harm Awareness Week – Talk. Share. Support.


Inviting the community to have open discussions about gambling harm.


8 – 14 October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 94,600
Creative and campaign development 40,340
Research and evaluation 58,675
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF– Help-seeking – Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities – Gambling can be an issue in any language


Local advertising campaign raising awareness of in-language help services in Vietnamese, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and Arabic, to increase help-seeking in these communities.


11 January – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 246,352
Creative and campaign development 13,706
Research and evaluation N/A (research conducted by MediaCom Australia as part of the media buy)
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Prevention – Gambling normalisation – Love the game, not the odds


Highlighting for parents how the normalisation of gambling makes it difficult for young people to recognise the risks involved.


26 August – 30 September 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 884,212
Creative and campaign development 17,470
Research and evaluation 42,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

VRGF – Help-seeking – Gambler’s Help – 100 Day Challenge


For people who want to take a break from, or cut back on or quit gambling, the 100 Day Challenge offers 100 activities over 100 days, to get more out of life.


1 January – 2 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 832,203
Creative and campaign development 27,345
Research and evaluation 61,474
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Victoria Police – Police Officer recruitment campaign


Advertising, communication and marketing activities for the recruitment of Victoria Police Officers.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,592,000
Creative and campaign development 682,000
Research and evaluation 250,000
Print and collateral 23,000
Other campaign costs 137,000

Victoria Police – PSO Community Assurance campaign


Advertising, communication and marketing activities for the community awareness and recruitment of PSOs.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,740,000
Creative and campaign development 603,000
Research and evaluation 58,000
Print and collateral 1,200
Other campaign costs 26,000

Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser W - Z

WorkSafe Victoria – Agriculture campaign


The quad bike safety campaign entered a third phase, reinforcing the dangers of quad bikes, and encouraging the uptake of the Victorian Government’s rebate scheme for installation of roll-over protection or to purchase an alternative work vehicle.


November 2017 – February 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 413,000
Creative and campaign development 348,000
Research and evaluation 49,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 37,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Asbestos


Campaign targeting tradespeople conducting renovation and maintenance that may expose them to asbestos, aimed at building their awareness of asbestos risks and safe work procedures.


May – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 102,000
Creative and campaign development 42,000
Research and evaluation 22,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 33,000

WorkSafe Victoria – CALD Vulnerable Workers campaign


Language and cultural barriers may prevent workers who are not proficient in English from accessing and understanding information about workplace health and safety. Targeted advice and support is offered in nine languages to build an understanding of workplace health and safety among this highly vulnerable section of the community.


December 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 425,000
Creative and campaign development 78,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 31,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Christmas Safety campaign


The rush to end-of-year holidays is historically one of the most dangerous times of the year. This campaign aims to influence behaviour to prevent harm to all workers.


November – December 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 200,000
Creative and campaign development 32,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

WorkSafe Victoria – Functional advertising


Functional advertising can include details about community consultation, public hearings, investigations, seminars and the availability of government grants, public notices, or urgent public health or safety announcements.


July 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 165,000
Creative and campaign development 52,000
Research and evaluation 108,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

WorkSafe Victoria – Hearts and Minds


An attitudinal change campaign designed to shape and change community social norms on safety and prevention. It aims to broaden the community’s understanding of what a workplace culture of health, safety and wellbeing looks like to ensure positive, proactive prevention is front and centre in Victorian workplaces.


October 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,652,000
Creative and campaign development 1,884,000
Research and evaluation 247,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 79,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Occupational Violence and Aggression in Healthcare – It’s Never OK


Campaign reminding the community that it’s never acceptable to commit acts of violence or aggression against healthcare workers, while also encouraging and empowering workers to report incidents


July 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 318,000
Creative and campaign development 243,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 1

WorkSafe Victoria – WorkWell


Campaign promoting the WorkWell online mental health and wellbeing platform, which assists employers to look after the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.


August 2018 – May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 199,000
Creative and campaign development 488,000
Research and evaluation 14,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 6,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Young Workers


This campaign aims to empower young workers by encouraging them to take action and speak up if they feel unsafe, as well as educate employers on their responsibilities.


May - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 145,000
Creative and campaign development 52,000
Research and evaluation 108,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0