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The Victorian Skills Plan provides important data, information and advice

The plan will help deliver the training and skills our state needs – now and into the future.

Evidence and insights

The Victorian Skills Plan provides evidence and insights on workforce trends, challenges and opportunities within industries, communities and across regional Victoria. The Employment Forecast Dashboard(opens in a new window) which accompanies this plan, is a central element of this evidence.

The plan also provides stakeholders engaged in education and training with data and insights to help in their planning.

The nature of skills needed now and into the future is changing, especially as industries adapt to worker shortages, new enabling technologies and different ways of working. The plan argues for more transferable skills to develop a flexible and adaptable skilled workforce prepared for socio-economic transitions.

This year’s plan makes recommendations for post-secondary education, in particular, vocational education and training (VET) in responding to the Victorian Government’s priority for a fairer future for First Nations peoples1 through its nation-leading Treaty work and the Victorian Self-Determination Reform Framework.

These efforts drive economic development and social prosperity for all Victorians.

Benefits of the Victorian Skills Plan for Victorian Skills Authority partners and stakeholders


Robust data and insights underpin post-secondary education policy and funding aimed at responding to skill shortages, emerging and future industry needs, and lifting Victoria's skills base and reputation as a high-quality education and training destination.


Industry has an active role in shaping education and training available to Victorians. Businesses better reflect skills in demand. Unions have a key role in protecting the interests of workers and focusing on career-building for learners. Collaboration with industry leads to better planning and delivery of skills aimed at the common good for industry and workers.

Training providers

Detailed data and insights enable the Victorian TAFE Network and quality private and community training providers to plan and deliver high-quality education and training that is aligned to the needs of Victorian industries and regions.


The Victorian Skills Plan highlights that further education and training that builds on success in schools is key to a good career and labour productivity. Data and insights support schools to communicate the value of engagement in school as preparation for further education and success in life.

Current and prospective learners

Data and insights help learners decide on the education and training they need for work and life. Learners will have a better understanding of the pathways and career options that suit their aspirations.

Victorian Employment Forecast Dashboard

Through its detailed Employment Forecast Dashboard(opens in a new window) the Victorian Skills Authority provides up-to-date information about current and future demand for jobs to raise awareness of the range of employment opportunities across Victoria.

The Employment Forecast Dashboard provides information about workforce needs across all industries, occupations and regions, as well as about occupations that use government-funded VET to skill their workers.

The dashboard forecasts that:

  • 352,000 new workers are expected to enter the Victorian economy between 2023 and 2026
  • new workers will cover 350 occupations, 19 industries and 15 regions across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

The Employment Forecast Dashboard also contains information on:

  • occupations that use government-funded VET to provide skilled workers
  • higher education pathways into occupations.

Insights from the dashboard have informed:

✔ workforce planning across the Victorian Government

the Funded Course List leading to better alignment with industry and workforce demand

current and future VET Delivered to School Students offerings

✔ Victorian TAFE Network planning to better meet Victoria’s skilling needs

✔ careers advice to school students

Skills and Jobs Centres’ advice to learners on pathways and employers on workforce trends

analysis of skilled migration needs

Regional Skills Demand Profiles(opens in a new window) with regional employment forecasts.


1 Throughout the plan, the term ‘First Nations peoples’ is used to include all people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. Other terms are used, such as Koorie, Aboriginal or First Nations, when referring to specific initiatives that use alternative terminology.
