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VPS Women of Colour Network

The Victorian Public Sector Women of Colour Network (WoCN) is a staff-led collective run by and for self-identifying women of colour across the VPS.

About the network

The Victorian Public Sector Women of Colour Network (WoCN) is a staff-led collective run by and for self-identifying women of colour across the Victorian public sector.

The network was established in January 2019 by a group of passionate women in Department of Premier and Cabinet's Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion Division.

It is our vision that in due course, it is expected that a People of Colour Network will be established, within which the WoCN will form one section. We strive to create a safe and inclusive space that allows us to:

  • contribute our policy, community and lived experience to inform the development of policies and programs that better meet the needs of communities
  • advocate for our professional and personal development
  • improve diversity and inclusion practices across the VPS including through recruitment, retention, and progression of diverse talents.

Our champions

  • Gönül Serbest – Commissioner for Victoria to Europe, Global Victoria
  • Louise Perry – Deputy Secretary, Fairer Victoria, Engagement and Coordination, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Luke Cornelius APM – Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources Command, Victoria Police
  • Melinda Collinson – Deputy Secretary, People and Business Services, Department of Transport and Planning
  • Dr Niki Vincent – Commissioner, Public Sector Gender Equality Commission
  • Ro Allen – Commissioner, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
  • Vivienne Nguyen AM – Chairperson, Victorian Multicultural Commission

Strategic objectives

Connect and Grow

Build our membership to become safe community within the VPS for women of colour to receive support and bring our allies and champions with us on this journey.

Amplify and Elevate

To bring awareness to issues experienced by women of colour and advocate for a more inclusive VPS for all intersectional communities. To be represented and celebrated across the VPS.

Transform and Embed

To influence systems' change to remove barriers for women of colour. To provide expertise and advice to support VPS to become an employer of choice for women of colour in Victoria and be reflective of its community.

How can I get involved?

Membership is free and open to all Victorian Public Sector employees who identifies as a woman of colour.

Employees across the VPS, who are not a woman of colour and wish to support the objectives of the network, can join as an Ally member.

Learn about upcoming events and ways to get involved by signing up through our LinkedIn group or by joining our Innovation Network group.
