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Outcomes reporting guidance

Legislative requirements to report on outcomes

The performance measures that CFA and FRV report on are set by the agencies in their outcomes frameworks. Section 140(1) of the FRV Act requires CFA and FRV to each prepare an outcomes framework that sets out their respective outcomes-based fire service performance measures. Section 140(4) of the FRV Act further requires CFA and FRV to prepare and submit to FSIM a quarterly update that sets out their performance against their performance indicators.

Reporting and data limitations

CFA has reported on its Year Three Outcomes Framework in Q3. FSIM will continue to use historical data published in previous quarterly progress reports to track indicator trends over time where indicator business rules and baseline calculations in the Year Three Outcomes Framework remain consistent with earlier CFA outcomes framework iterations.

As noted above, FRV reports that the cyber-security breach of its systems has significantly reduced its capability to report on outcomes data. FRV has provided data and commentary against twelve measures which is an increase of seven measures from Q2.

Report structure

This report comprises FSIM summary (section one) and the CFA and FRV performance measure results received for this quarter (sections four to six). Where possible, FSIM presents performance results and historical trends. FSIM also includes CFA and FRV explanations of measures (business rules) and where appropriate, provides confirmation of whether the agency met or did not meet targets or baselines. FSIM also includes CFA and FRV commentary on indicator progress.

Fire Services Implementation Monitor (FSIM)

FSIM’s functions under the FRV Act are to assess the effectiveness of agencies in delivering against Implementation Plan actions and provide independent assurance to government and the community on the progress made towards modern fire services providing for a safer Victoria. FSIM is required to prepare and publish quarterly reports on CFA and FRV Outcomes Frameworks measures under s141 of the FRV Act.

Publication of reports

FSIM publishes quarterly reports at Fire Services Implementation Monitor publications | Victorian Government.
