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A future–ready Victoria

Victorian Government Digital Strategy 2021-2026

Published by:
Department of Premier and Cabinet
1 Nov 2021

The Digital Strategy 2021- 2026 sets the government’s vision and ambition and how to realise it. It balances aspiration with pragmatism to set us up for a successful digital transformation.

Our vision is "Thriving Victoria. A Digital Victoria. For you."

Three key outcomes underpin the digital vision:

  • better, fairer, more accessible services
  • a digital-ready public sector
  • a thriving digital economy.

In delivering on these outcomes, we will improve the experience individuals, communities, businesses and the Victorian public sector have with government.

For each outcome, the Digital Strategy identifies five key objectives that will help drive the digital experience transformation across the Victorian Government.

The outcomes, objectives and how they relate to the strategic enablers are detailed in the following pages.
