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Message from the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

I would like to present the fifth annual report on the continued roll-out of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework 2022–23.

This report details the implementation progress and achievements departments, peak bodies, agencies and organisations in aligning their procedures, policies and practice guidance to MARAM.

In January 2023, the Victorian Government announced the implementation of all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence to reduce the impact of family violence in Victoria.

The MARAM Framework (established in 2018 and embedded into the Family Violence Protection Act 2008) is a critical part of Victoria’s family violence reform and ensures that responding to family violence becomes a collective, system-wide responsibility.

Since the Royal Commission, the Victorian Government has invested more than $3.86 billion to prevent and respond to family violence, which includes $97 million in 2021–22 over 4 years to keep people safer, implementing MARAM reform and alignment activities, as well as critical information-sharing reform. Key achievements demonstrate that this investment is making a difference.

In October 2023, the 5-year MARAM legislative review was completed. This external analysis included recommendations to ensure family violence risk factors are appropriately reflected in MARAM Framework practice guidance and tools.

In 2022–23, more than 100,000 professionals across a range of sectors and the continuum of services received training in or aligned to MARAM and the associated information sharing schemes.

More than 200,000 workers have been trained since 2018, bringing Victoria closer to the target of 370,000 trained professionals. More than 40,000 risk assessments and safety plans have been undertaken (using MARAM online tools), and more than 20,230 Central Information Point reports have been delivered.

Driving lasting change is demanding, and we still have a lot of work to do. Departments, workforces and community services are committed to an effective family violence system.

By continuing alignment to MARAM and embracing collaboration in the response to family violence risk, we ensure better outcomes for the community.

I would like to express my gratitude to past and present ministers responsible for framework organisations in their portfolios for their sustained efforts in advancing this essential reform. This report is consolidated from my own portfolio report and those provided to me by:

  • The Hon. The Hon. Anthony Carbines MP, Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention
  • The Hon. Colin Brooks MP, former Minister for Housing Minister for Multicultural Affairs
  • The Hon. Danny Pearson MP, former Minister for Consumer Affairs
  • The Hon. Enver Erdogan MLC, Minister for Corrections, Minister for Victim Support, Minister for Youth Justice
  • The Hon. Ingrid Stitt MLC, former Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs
  • The Hon. Jaclyn Symes MLC, Attorney General
  • The Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn MLC, Minister for Children, Minister for Disability
  • The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas, Minister for Health, Minister for Ambulance Services
  • The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP, former Minister for Education.

I would like to thank Family Violence Regional Integration Committees, peak bodies, Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, and many others, such as multicultural community organisations and services who contribute tirelessly to the success of MARAM practice.

I would also like to thank specialist family violence services (including sexual assault services) and The Orange Door network for their passionate work and partnership. Your work is part of the foundation of our family violence system.

To those with lived experience, including past and present members of the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council, your voices guide us in shaping MARAM practice and making a difference in the lives of those affected by family violence.

I would like to thank all government and sector collaborators who have contributed to this report for their dedication to victim survivors and the future of family safety and wellbeing in Victoria. Our communities want to feel safe, and the work we do continues to progress safety for all.

Vicki Ward MP

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

Minister for Employment
