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Asylum Seeker VET Program Community of Best Practice

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Training, Skills and Higher Education

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 10/05/2023

SUBJECT: Asylum Seeker VET Program Community of Best Practice

Actions and critical dates

  • The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is hosting an online CoBP with the theme of the event being Vocational Pathways, Access and Advocacy.
  • All Learn Local providers are encouraged to register for the CoBP.

ASVET Program

The ASVET program provides eligible asylum seekers and refugees granted temporary residence an exemption from the usual citizenship/residency eligibility criteria required for participation in a Government-subsidised Skills First training course.


Holders of the following visas are eligible to participate in the ASVET program:

  • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV)
  • Temporary Protection Visa (TPV)
  • Bridging Visa class E (BVE)
  • Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) (subclass 449) visa.
  • Temporary Humanitarian Concern (subclass 786) visa

Victims of human trafficking, forced marriage or slavery-like offences participating in the federally funded Support for Trafficked Persons Program, who are issued with Bridging Visa Fs (BVFs), are also eligible. They can be referred to accredited training providers in Victoria by the Australian Red Cross.

Further details on the program and the supports on offer to asylum seekers, can be found on the department website.

Community of Best Practice

The ASVET Community of Best Practice was established in 2017, providing a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and learnings with peers and colleagues across the education/training and community sectors who are working with people seeking asylum and refugees.

The COBP Forum will be a State-wide event to engage those working in regional and metropolitan areas. Themes vary with each CoBP with the upcoming theme focusing on Vocational Pathways, Access and Advocacy.

The forum will be online on Zoom and include a mix of activities including:

  • Speakers
  • Soft skills and employability workshop activities
  • Panels featuring ASVET students discussing their lived experience and study journey
  • Breakout activities to share experiences

Please register on Eventbrite via this link

After registration, a Zoom link will be sent to you closer to the event.

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Funding is allocated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) to carry out the support component of the ASVET program. Through this additional funding, the ASRC undertakes activities that further supports the capacity and capability development of the sector, ensuring the TAFEs, RTOs and Learn Local providers that work with eligible asylum seekers have the awareness, skills and understanding to deliver appropriate and customised responses to the cohort. This will ultimately result in increased enrolments and completions, improved student experience and greater supported training pathways to further study and employment.

Further Information


For further information on the ASVET program, please contact the ASRC on the details below:

Phone: (03) 9274 9807


Innovation Hub reception:(03) 8537 9500

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry, and Regions

Please see the Department’s ASVET webpage for more information the program, referral processes, guidelines and funding.

