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Family Learning Partnerships

The Adult, Community and Further Education Board's Family Learning Partnerships program assists families to overcome barriers to participation in education and training.

The Family Learning Partnerships (FLP) program provides opportunities for families to:

  • engage in positive learning experiences
  • gain the confidence and skills to take their next steps in education or employment.

Program aims

The FLP program assists families experiencing barriers to education by:

  • Instilling a culture of learning within families and communities.
  • Empowering learners to make informed decisions regarding their own educational and employment experiences.
  • Improving educational pathways for vulnerable families by addressing the barriers hindering the participation of parents and carers in education, training and employment.
  • Facilitating participants' progression to further education such as pre-accredited or accredited programs or employment where appropriate.
  • Fostering a collaborative approach to education through building provider capacity to form partnerships with other community organisations and services to support pathways to further education and employment for families.
  • Assisting Learn Local providers in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the unique learning needs of families that may prevent them from engaging and developing initiatives and tailored strategies to support them.

For further information, see the Family Learning Partnerships 2024 Guidelines.
