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Australian Training Awards

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training.

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national Awards that showcase best practice in vocational education and training.

Winners from each state and territory (in aligned categories) have the opportunity to compete for a national award title. The Australian Training Awards also has a number of awards that are available by direct entry.

For further information regarding the Australian Training Awards please visit the Australian Training Awards website.

Success for Victoria at the Australian Training Awards

Direct entry categories

Victorian Training Award winners are nominated to represent the state in eleven award categories at the Australian Training Awards. The following categories are also open for direct entry to the national awards. For more information and to apply, please visit the Australian Training Awards website.

Further information

For further information about the Australian Training Awards direct entry categories, see:


To contact the Australian Training Awards team, phone 02 6240 9874 or email
