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Victorian Employer Skills Survey

Gathering insights about skills needs, recruitment, and training impacts experienced by employers.

The next Victorian Employer Skills Survey is due to run in 2024.

The Victorian Employer Skills Survey (VESS) gathers insights from Victorian businesses about:

  • recruitment experiences and challenges
  • current or anticipated future skill gaps and whether training is being used
  • employer perceptions of the accessibility and quality of training and its impact.

Insights help the Victorian Government to assess skills demand and form strategies to respond. The results inform the development of the Victorian Skills Plan and improvements to Victoria’s TAFE and training system.

Survey approach

The last VESS was conducted by the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) in 2021.

A sample of 70,000 Victorian workplaces were invited to take part in the survey. This sample included a cross-section of Victorian businesses of different sizes, and from different industries and geographic locations. The response rate was 20.5% or 11,321 employers.

2021 survey results

View the dashboard or download 2021 summary infographics reports for Victorian regions and industries.

Summary infographics

Download a summary infographic report of the survey data in PDF or accessible Word format. The reports are broken down into categories based on industry, regions, and regional partnerships geographies. View all reports below.

Past survey results

Visit results from past surveys.
