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Client partnership framework

The Client Partnership Framework for The Orange Door comprises five domains and three levels, underpinned by five principles. This framework supports the strategy and should be used to guide the implementation of the proposed initiatives and any other client partnership efforts in The Orange Door. The following document contains a diagram of the framework, alternatively you can read a description of the framework below.

Client Partnership Framework for The Orange Door (diagram)
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The domains and levels in the framework have been adapted from Safer Care Victoria's Partnering in Healthcare Framework, which was developed through an intensive design process involving: a project team that included consumer and sector leads; desktop research; a statewide online survey that reached 180,000 Victorians; data analysis of more than 3,000 responses; and a face-to-face ‘priorities summit’.


Level What partnership looks like at this level


  • Clients participate in their own support and planning, and can invite family and others in their life to be a part of this.
  • The Orange Door enables and supports clients to be equal partners in their support, including through shared decision-making.


  • The Orange Door partners with clients in decisions about the local design, delivery and improvement of The Orange Door, including through local area governance and advisory groups.
  • Clients provide feedback, ideas and personal experiences to drive change.


  • The Orange Door partners with clients in governance, planning, policy development and service design, including through statewide governance and advisory groups.
  • Clients and communities participate in quality and safety improvement across The Orange Door.
  • The Orange Door fosters client partnership approaches that support connections with the broader service system.


Domain What partnership looks like in this domain

Personalised and holistic

‘I am respected and receive support tailored to me as a whole person.’

  • Sensitive to physical, cultural and social context.
  • Culturally respectful practice.

Working together

‘I am included as a partner in my own support and in improving The Orange Door.’

  • Collaboration between clients, professionals and the service system.
  • Services are joined up and coordinated.

Shared decision-making

‘I am included as a partner in my own support and in improving The Orange Door.’

  • Shared power and responsibility.
  • Aboriginal self-determination.
  • Transparent about options and consequences.

Equity and inclusion

‘I have access to the same supports and opportunities to contribute as everyone else.’

  • Diverse access and participation.
  • Taking an intersectional approach.
  • Culturally safe.

Effective communication

‘I get the right information that I can understand and act on, and know how my contributions to The Orange Door will be used’.

  • Respectful and responsive.
  • Authentic listening.
  • Tailored communication (eg in-person, phone, online).


The framework is underpinned by the following five principles:

  • Examine power, privilege and bias.
  • Partner as early as possible.
  • Be transparent and realistic.
  • Partnership is an exchange.
  • Avoid tokenism.

These principles align with and are supported by the practice principles for The Orange Door (from The Orange Door Interim Integrated Practice Framework):

  • Ensure safety and wellbeing is paramount.
  • Support agency and empowerment.
  • Promote self-determination among Aboriginal people.
  • Be accessible and responsive to risk and needs.
  • Keep perpetrators accountable for violent and abusive behaviour.
