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Step 3: Identify delivery needs

Linking the community recovery plan to the broader recovery efforts

It is important that your community recovery group's (CRG) community recovery plan is validated by the community and key stakeholders. This ensures broad ownership and underpins the CRG’s advocacy role on behalf of the community.

You can provide your community recovery plan to your local council and Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) to help them understand your priorities.

It is important to stress that community recovery plans are only one input into Victorian Government decision making.

Local councils and ERV can also provide information about potential funding and grant opportunities or details about
service providers.

Tip: Include Emergency Recovery Victoria, local council and key stakeholders where appropriate in early planning discussions and deliberations. This allows a stronger insight for them into the priorities that the CRG will ultimately put forward in its plans.

Reserve the right to meet as community members only, where there are concerns that a mixed meeting might stifle open discussion.

Identifying partnerships to deliver priorities

Effective partnerships are critical to delivering community recovery priorities. CRGs will need to establish linkages and relationships with organisations and groups that operate within the broader emergency recovery system.

By building effective partnerships, a CRG is better positioned to improve the capability and capacity of the group to deliver outcomes for their community.

Your CRG may wish to map and maintain a register of agencies, community organisations and other groups that your CRG currently engage with that may help in your recovery process.

Community recovery group key stakeholders

  • Download 'Community recovery group key stakeholders'
